Get Lost - No. 6 (Wellness Collection)

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
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Rooibos, Cinnamon, Orange, Chocolate, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jillian
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 15 sec 253 oz / 7482 ml

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From The Republic of Tea

Herb Tea for Weight Control
Losing weight is all about moderation, expending energy, curbing sugar cravings, and being well. That’s why, if you’re thinking thin, this caffeine-free blend is for you. Based on health-promoting, organic rooibos, it includes tropical banaba leaf, cinnamon and carob which satisfy the appetite, providing craving control. Carob and gymnema leaves help to tame your sweet tooth and the urge to indulge.

Ingredients: Rooibos (leaf), Orange (peel), Carob (pod), Cinnamon (bark), Gymnema (leaf), Banaba (leaf) Extract, Natural Cinnamon Flavor.

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of Tea sparked a tea revolution in America with the purpose of enriching people’s lives through the experience of premium teas and a Sip by Sip Rather Than Gulp by Gulp lifestyle.

17 Tasting Notes

596 tasting notes

This is my morning tonic with a dollop of virgin coconut oil. Works well for Atkins dieters!


Is that as nasty as it sounds? I mean, it sounds effective?, but… lol

Lainie Petersen

Hah! Well, it isn’t awesome, but here is the deal: I love coconut oil as cooking oil and spread on low-carb toast with peanut butter and in cooking, etc. But I take coconut oil as a supplement, which means I have to down a lot of it during the day. It is very disagreeable to swallow oil (no matter how good it tastes in food) on its own, so adding it to a hot beverage helps. Since this tisane is also part of my regimen, it makes sense to combine them.

Sorry you asked? :-)


Well at 1st I read “olive” oil (brain on default, I suppose)… but coconut oil even sounds nasty (even if I would love coconut) lol.

Lainie Petersen

Hah! Coconut oil, particularly virgin coconut oil is actually really good. One of the best oils for green veggies. I put broccoli, etc, into a pan (dry) and let them cook a bit, then at the end of the cooking, I lower the heat and put in some coconut oil. (Virgin coconut oil doesn’t do well at high temperatures for too long.) It melts on contact, and I toss the veggies around. A little bit of salt, and ooh, so good!


lol well I like neither broccoli or coconut:) Go figure why I’m so in love w/matcha based on my dislike for greens lol.


This tonic combo actually sounds delicious! I have to try it. I love coconut oil!

Lainie Petersen

Stephanie: At the very least, it works, and isn’t a bad start to the morning.

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358 tasting notes

I’m trying to clear out my cupboard and force myself to drink and rate all the teas that I’m not too fond of so that I can pass them along to others. This tea attracted me because it’s caffeine free and it says that it’s a satisfying cup and helps curb cravings, so I thought “Oh perfect for late at night when I really want cake/ice cream/cookies/etc. but will get fat if I give in and eat them”. Unfortunately this tea tastes pretty bland in my opinion, so it’s really not much help. The teabags smell sickly sweet to me of artificial orange with a little cinnamon. The tea itself smells much better, like a warm, spicy cinnamon aroma. The tea is ok, pretty dull in flavor with not much of an aftertaste. Not a terrible tea, just not one I am likely to purchase again.

-Round natural unbleached teabag.
-Teabag smells of artificial and very sweet orange with cinnamon. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet spicy cinnamon.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy medium orange color.
-Bland orange flavor with a muted cinnamon finish.
-Best with sweetener.
-Fair tea. No bold flavors.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

this one just has a special place for me.
way back when…i started drinking tea because i was trying to be healthy and cut out caffeine, so i ended up trying every one of the wellness collection teas. and this one was the only one of the whole bunch that i kept buying over again.
currently it’s the only tea i own in bags. and now it’s been in the back of my cupboard and i haven’t touched it in months. i bet it will be disappointing when i have it again. if i ever have it again.
ho hum.


i do remember it being fairly bland though. i would brew 2 bags in a 16 oz cup and then gulp it down like water haha

Josie Jade

Let me know what you think the next time that you drink it again (if you do drink it again!) I honestly think that it’s more the smell of the dry teabag that turns me off – it just smells so artificial, and then the flavor is so bland – how odd. Usually I love all of The Republic of Tea blends, but this was a big miss for me.

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20 tasting notes

I’ve only had one cup of this tea thus far, and I’m not especially eager for the next one. I’m thinking that this tea works in the sense that it curbs your desire to eat, but only because the taste is so unpleasant that you lose your appetite. It’s like drinking the decaying corpse of a once-delightful cinnamon fairy that lost a battle to the death with a rabid sewer rat.

I didn’t like it very much.

I’ll give it another shot since I have a few more bags, but unless the first cup was a complete fluke I will never buy this again, and I may throw the rest away if the next cup is no better.


All beverages curb appetite.


Get involved in the travelling tea box and put it in there:) Throwing away tea is just wrong…:(


Perhaps it’s just me, but I have never found that beverages noticeably curbed my appetite, save maybe milk.

I am unfamiliar with the traveling tea box, but I will be sure to look it up.

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814 tasting notes

one of my go to favorites! i buy most tea loose these days, but this one i still purchase even though it comes in teabags. i don’t generally like cinnamon or spicy type teas, but this one has a great balance of sweetness and kick. sweet orange and very light warm cinnamon. though i try to keep lots of variety in my cabinet, i will regularly drink at least one cup of this tea 5 days a week.
as opposed to a digestion tea, i prefer to think of the lost in “get lost” as this is a tea for a wanderer’s heart or an adventurer’s spirit.

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13 tasting notes

I absolutely loved this tea! I don’t normally care for cinammon tea, but the cinnamon is light enough to be sweet without being spicy and there’s a lingering hint of citrus in the aftertaste. With a small squeeze of honey (something I normally eschew in tea), and this was a perfect tea to wind down the night. I’ll definitely be ordering a full sized tin!

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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149 tasting notes

Strange flavor. Not good warm or cold as iced tea.

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13 tasting notes

I like it. or at least, it’s not horrible. I do prefer other tastes, but… it does suppress my appetite for a bit.

Flavors: Rooibos

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6 tasting notes

I bought this during one of World Markets tea sales. I’m not a huge fan of carob and last time I had it, it tasted like chocolate which I do not like. Yes, I am a woman. Yes, I do not like chocolate especially in tea form. Thankfully this is very cinnamony and very orangey. I think the carob (along with the gymnema) are to sweeten it more than to flavor it. This is another one I recommend you only drink hot. I have made 2 quarts of it cold before and isn’t quite the same. It loses a lot of it’s sweetness and orange taste and is more of just a cinnamon red tea. I don’t know if it has helped me to lose the pounds which I have lost, but it definitely helps to curb cravings especially late night ones (caffiene-free!).

This is a weird con, but you have to steep it for at least 5 minutes…
(recommended steep is 5-7 minutes… usually teas are 1-4 minutes)
So that craving as got to be a little patient…

The other con is that it is recommended that you drink it 3 times a day.
If I did that each tin would only last 12 days.
Thankfully The Republic of Tea has a 250 count refill bag, but still…

Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 6 OZ / 177 ML

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921 tasting notes

My cat, Tao, is usually a bit on the aloof side. She tends to snuggle either when you are asleep (she curls up on your stomach or pressed against your back or chest) or when you are lounging. Very different from Espeon who is essentially a lap-cat. The only time Tao goes into hyper cuddle mode is when she detects something is wrong, if I am upset about something or sick, Tao becomes super snuggle happy. Well I went to bed this afternoon feeling pretty awful and woke up a few hours later with a very large, very fluffy, loudly purring, weight on my face. I might have been mildly asphyxiated, but it made me happy and I had to share my happy moment.

Today’s tea review is The Republic of Tea’s Get Lost, an herbal blend of Organic Rooibos, Orange Peel, Carob Pod, Gymnema Leaf, Cinnamon, Banaba Leaf, and Orange Flavor, supposedly selected to aid in weight loss. I do not need to lose weight, I weigh a whopping 94lbs and am constantly trying to gain it, but I will never turn down a tea to try. In theory (I really have no idea how factual this is) these herbs are supposed to help with sugar cravings and satisfy one’s sweet tooth, I can certainly see no fault in that, even when you are trying to gain weight, avoiding crazy sugar cravings is good since it can feed yeast and other unpleasant things in one’s guts. Enough health stuff, how does this little round teabag smell? Well, this is certainly a rooibos tea because that distinct sharp woodiness of rooibos is the predominant aroma. There are also notes of herbaceous leaves and a touch of chocolate. This teabag also smells dry and a little dusty, but I find most teabags do, so your mileage my vary.

The steeped tea has a very herbal and woody aroma with a potent chocolate sweetness and a finish of yeast. It reminds me of boxed chocolate cake sitting next to a big cup of rooibos tea. From the aroma alone I can see this being helpful for people with cravings of cake, time to see if it holds up on taste.

First up, I notice that oh so familiar woody and sweet rooibos with its signature dry mouth feel. It is not dry mouth like you get from something with too many tannins, not that puckering all moisture has been sucked out…but more of a gentle dry mouth, it almost has a dusty quality. Oddly drinking rooibos reminds me of breathing through my mouth on a typical hot, dry, windy, Kansas City day. There are also notes of chocolate, they are vaguely chocolate, much like one expects from carob. The aftertaste is herbaceous and slightly green tasting. This tea is pleasant, not outstanding but also not bad, it could be good for someone craving a sweet tea and looking for an ‘everyday’ kinda tea.

For blog and photos:

Flavors: Chocolate, Wood


Awww! Is that Tao on the picture? Adorable!!! My cats go crazy for cardboard boxes.


Yep, that is Tao :) it is a shame this picture doesn’t show it, she has a spot on her shoulder that looks like a heart. She loves boxes…Espeon on the other hand is a huge fan of paper bags.


I love when they know something is wrong and it seems like they are trying to make it better.


Me too, it really does seem to help.

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467 tasting notes

Not much to say… not much taste or aroma. Won’t buy again. I actually e-mailed Republic of Tea to ask for a refund.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 500 OZ / 14786 ML

Wow, that’s pretty bad.

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