I’ve only had one cup of this tea thus far, and I’m not especially eager for the next one. I’m thinking that this tea works in the sense that it curbs your desire to eat, but only because the taste is so unpleasant that you lose your appetite. It’s like drinking the decaying corpse of a once-delightful cinnamon fairy that lost a battle to the death with a rabid sewer rat.
I didn’t like it very much.
I’ll give it another shot since I have a few more bags, but unless the first cup was a complete fluke I will never buy this again, and I may throw the rest away if the next cup is no better.
All beverages curb appetite.
Get involved in the travelling tea box and put it in there:) Throwing away tea is just wrong…:(
Perhaps it’s just me, but I have never found that beverages noticeably curbed my appetite, save maybe milk.
I am unfamiliar with the traveling tea box, but I will be sure to look it up.