My second tea to try from Persimmon Tree. I thought I’d do them in order that I think would be the ones I was more excited to try first, but this morning, nada. I am nursing a broken finger that just came out of the splint. I wanted to soak it in epsom salt and didn’t want to turn the kettle too high. Low temperature green tea it is!
DRY: Sweeeeeeet caramel (maybe salty caramel, but not sure if it’s just all in my mind for the salty smell?) Oh man! SOOOOOO strong of a scent (similar to how my last persimmon tea smelled very strong dry). Really cute cubes of caramel in this tea!
STEEPED: Green tea colour. Mix of a grassy green tea smell and sweet caramel.
TASTE: Very clean green tea at first sip with a splash of mildy sweet caramel and earthyness (rooibos) at the end mellowing and coating the throat in soft sweetness.
WHO’D LIKE THIS TEA: Green tea drinkers. people new to green tea. Peeps who like to drink caramel.
I see others who reviewed this used more dry tea than I did, I just used 1.5t! I can see this being even better if made a bit stronger.
This is mind blowingly good and well executed tea. The green tea is very good (not muchly grassy) and the caramel flavor just melts into my mouth as I sip the tea. It’s in the perfect range of caramel taste to be mild and easy to taste, but not too subtle.
I guzzled my first cup down and wished I made a pot of this instead. It is amazingly good. I would usually prefer a sweet caramel tea to be ultra strong sweet, but this tea is just so well done. Holy crap Persimmon Teas, you are blowing my pants off!
The last time I made this I ended up eating a ton of the caramel bits out of my spoonful while the water was boiling… ended up still pretty caramel-y, so I’m wondering if they are just there to look nice!
They are tasty. Like green tea scented caramels. :)