“Back to normal work-life balance. Other than that, I have been sending tea swap packages out for a couple steepsters this week, so if anyone is interested doing a tea swap in the US or Canada, I am...” Read full tasting note
“Sipdown… this one is pretty meh. whatever. take it or leave it. Not tooooo sweet (as cotton candy generally is) but also sort of genericly sweet flavoured. happy to try it so thanks VariaTEA...” Read full tasting note
“C is for…Cotton Candy This one is so popular and I’m always disappointed by it. I actually really like the DAVIDsTEA version of Cotton Candy because that feel more accurate to me. This is more...” Read full tasting note
“Thanks to amandastory516 for sharing this tea! Hot, it tasted like absolutely nothing. I probably should have overleafed it, based on the content of this tea. Cold, the flavor really comes out and...” Read full tasting note
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