The smell of the dry leaf reminded me of the boxed square menthol cough drops my mom would give me as a kid when I was sick. I am guessing this was made to help with sickness. Thankfully, I am not sick at the moment, but I do want to finish my stash of sample packs from Tea Taxi, so I am going to go ahead and try this one. 8 more to go…then it is on to my CitizenTea samples haha. Must drink most of my stash before summer as I do not have hot teas in the summer very often. It’s all about the iced teas! I am so ready to say goodbye to winter this year. It’s been a long cold one. Anyway-enough rambling and back to the tea. It is surprisingly good and kind of tastes like those menthol cough drops a bit but less intense. I am also getting hints of lemon and ginger. The rooibos is nice and subtle in this blend too.