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drank Biscotti by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (283)

This expired two years ago and is from 2016 or earlier. The coconut in it wasn’t completely rancid but it was a bit lotion-y. The green tea was also more prominent than I liked. However, it did have a cookie vibe. This probably was better fresh, but even still, I don’t think this would have ever been a favourite for me.

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drank Choco-Volcano by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Iced Latte Sipdown (267)

I made this as an iced latte but am not liking it. The tea is at least 4 years old and it shows. It’s not bad perse but it’s not good either. This got poured out since I’d rather waste the calories of a decadent iced latte on one that actually tastes good.

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drank Love Potion #9 by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (297)

This seemed fitting to accompany the train wreck that is Too Hot to Handle on Netflix. It’s ridiculous but also ridiculously entertaining.

The tea, like the show, is bad but good at the same time. It’s a bit astringent and dry in the end of the sip but has a nice fruitiness in the body of the sip. It’s like fruit roll up fruitiness tbh. Like the color by the foot flavour and then astringency.

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drank The Night Owl by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (318)

When I did my inventory, this was one of 5 teas from 2016 aka one of my oldest teas. 4/5 of the teas had best before dates and of the 4 dates, this was the one that had the earliest best before of August 2018. So, it went on my list of teas to drink.

This evening I decided I wanted a latte and I honestly believed this would have coffee beans and have that sort of chocolate or vanilla coffee profile. I guess I thought it was named “Night Owl” because it helped keep you up at night. However, this actually is a mix of black tea, elderberries, hibiscus, and raisin. Honestly that could explain why I haven’t reached for it all these years. Nothing in that ingredient list is particularly appealing on its on so as a combination, its just a mix of meh,

I went in not expecting much and I came out not really sold on it. It is potpourri like because there is a floral/dry that pops up mid-sip and follows through into the aftertaste. I do get some raisin if I look past the astringency and a dark berry kind of not but honestly, it’s a mediocre black tea at best.


Maybe owls eat elderberries and raisins? When they’re not eating rodents?


I was thinking that too. It just seemed unexpected for the name.

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drank Exotic Passion by TeaTaxi
16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (798)!

This was weird; it was kind of like drinking papaya flavoured bubble gum!? Very sweet, very fruity and with a rather artificial aftertaste accompanied by a green tea base that was really lawn clipping-y. Thank you for the share VariaTEA – it’s not often you see a papaya tea where the emphasis is really on the papaya. However, it wasn’t for me.

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drank Sexy Raspberry by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (221)

I drank some newer teas today so I thought it was best to also drink an older one. This has a best before date of 09/2018 so its even a year past that. Yet when I cut open the sample, I got a big burst of raspberry smell which was promising.

Tastewise I get raspberry and a little vanilla and rose. I imagine this once was much stronger but given its age, the flavor is slightly on the flatter side. However, there still is flavor and for that I am happy. I could see this have being really nice in its prime.

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drank Exotic Passion by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (223)

Today has been a super chilly day. It’s cold outside and my class was also particularly cold. Now I am home and back to watching Disney+ and sipping on tea in my pajamas under a cozy blanket.

This tea isn’t my favourite. It is fruity and has a slight green tea twang to it. It’s held up well for its age seeing as even the best before date on this has long since passed but it’s nothing special or life altering.

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drank Dublin's Clover by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (229…apparently I had more teas than I thought)

After I pulled this out, I realized it would have probably been better to save this for St. Patrick’s Day so I could have a festive 365 days of tea picture. However, this blend is one of the older ones in my cupboard and I decided the sipdown outweighed the festive photo.

This is actually a pretty tea. Rolled gunpowder leaves with clover sprinkles and blue mallow petals. You can check out the photo here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nV5WBh1XH/

I was surprised that this is actually an EG but it definitely has a bergamot flavor. However, I actually don’t mind it here. It seems to pair nicely with the smokiness of the gunpowder and the sweetness from the sprinkles. It also is a fairly mild earl grey which could be due to age or intentional. Either way, it is more to my tastes than a sharper EG and I am actually quite enjoying this mug.

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drank Coco-Cocoa Truffle by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Hot Chocolate Sipdown (208)

This is long past it’s best before date and thankfully the coconut hasn’t gone rancid. Though if it had I don’t know how much i would taste it between the hot chocolate ingredients and toasted marshmallow whipped cream. Honestly the whipped cream is what counts and the hot chocolate is providing a tasty foundation for it so I’m happy. Not much to say about the tea though.

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drank Mocha Rocha by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Cold brew sipdown (227)

I cold brewed this sample in milk for like 9 hours intent on making another tea infused hot chocolate. Then my mom had a bit of an episode so my preference was to go to my room asap. So I’m drinking just the cold tea-infused milk.

It tastes like a pretty solid caramel which is nice. Dont get mocha or coffee but sweet caramel rooibos milk. Its yummy but something I’ve had before.

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drank Lady Marmalade by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (232)

This tastes a little waxy and a little fruity with a dash of cinnamon. It’s not bad because it has fairly nice cranberry flavor with an underlying fig. However, it’s not my favorite. Could be a nice caffeine free option in Fall since it definitely has that flavor profile and it is different than other caffeine free blends. I may toss this in to a cart if I was buying and needed to hit free shipping.

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drank Comforting Pear by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

This tea was a nice pear tea in some sips and a muddled spice mess in others. It could be nice on cold day but also not a must have.

Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2019/03/04/comforting-pear-from-tea-taxi/

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drank The Vitaminized by TeaTaxi
16936 tasting notes

I thought that I was really going to dislike this tea – but drinking it now, something about it is actually really hitting the spot for me? There’s really nothing all too special about this combination of ingredients, but the raisin-y notes and orange combo is just really cheering me up. Like, I didn’t realize I was feeling so grumpy until I started drinking this mug of tea and then I had a visceral reaction of just feeling more upbeat/cheerful that almost gave me some emotional whiplash.

So – nice cup, in this moment if nothing else.

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drank Irish Pub by TeaTaxi
15565 tasting notes

VariaTEA sample. She taped the package up, so i couldn’t actually see the ingredients beyond “black tea” and flavours. Meant i wasn’t sure what to expect. As this brewed, i quickly became aware of the coconut as it had that smell that you get when the coconut isn’t fresh or it’s a type of coconut in teas i can’t handle. Wasn’t quite a rancid smell but put me on edge. When i took a sip of this, all i could taste was a sort of weird creamy coconutish black tea. So imagine my surprise when the tasting notes here said this was a strawberry tea. Yeah, not so much for me haha. That being said, i haven’t had much luck with taxi teas. Glad to try out a new company through variaTEA but i’m not sure i’d ever order from them on my own given the very middle of the road sort of view i have on most of their teas. this one however? worse than that.blech.


Sorry…I didn’t love this either….mostly thats why I didn’t finish the sample myself :P


Lol stop apologizing!


I feel bad that you aren’t drinking endless cups of tea now and the ones you have had have been this lol


It’s all good. Still fun to try new teas even if I don’t like them. I just don’t do it on days where I want to know what I’m getting in to.

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drank Irish Pub by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (245)

Lately I have been terrible at drinking teas while they are still hot. This is no exception. I started drinking it when it was on the cooler side. This tea is ok. Nothing special. A little strawberry. A little coconut. A mediocre black base. Not what you’d expect from a tea called “Irish Pub” at all.


Honestly I was expecting beer or whiskey! Weird name…

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drank Sweet Surprise by TeaTaxi
561 tasting notes

Made this one as a latte and it tastes good. Glad it was only a small sample from the advent calendar though. Tastes floral and nutty.

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drank Energized Awakening by TeaTaxi
561 tasting notes

Made as a latte and find nothing special about this blend. Just tastes like black tea.

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drank Creme Brulee by TeaTaxi
561 tasting notes

Yuck! I just can’t finish my sample of this (even as a latte it tastes like dirt and smells like dirty socks). I dislike Pu’erh teas for the most part so that doesn’t help…

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drank Banana Shake by TeaTaxi
561 tasting notes

I definitely notice a slight banana flavor mixed with black tea. It’s not too shabby as a latte. Glad it was just a sample though.

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drank Tender Thoughts by TeaTaxi
15565 tasting notes

Figured i’d try to get through a few samples from VariaTEA today. I’m not feeling 100% so worse case, if i don’t like a tea, i don’t have to drink it. lol this one is middle of the road. It’s a decent enough rooibos…i don’t get any rose, and that’s fine with me…caramel and cocoa yes. It’s nothing to write home about though. There are a ton of other teas i’d prefer.
Appreciate the share though, since you never know what you’ll like/won’t like until you try things.

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drank Snowball by TeaTaxi
16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (592)!

This is still very much not a super great tea in my opinion, but I have to admit that whatever was just WILDLY off/fishy tasting last time I made myself a cup of it is definitely not present in this cup. Instead, this is just rather artificial tasting with a really oily mouthfeel – but no drastic funk. Kind of like an orange cotton candy kind of vibe but really, really fake?

I don’t know – it’s a weird tea, and I’m happy to have it finished off to not have to deal with that weirdness anymore.

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drank Snowball by TeaTaxi
16936 tasting notes

Currently drinking this one…

Thank you for the share VariaTEA, but I don’t think this is the rooibos for me. Even though it’s got a fun and seasonally appropriate name I don’t think that’s enough to justify the really, really funky tasting orange notes in this blend. Like, I had to go back and double check that this wasn’t also blended with (a rather fishy tasting) pu’erh. It’s just got that weird, oily/fishy dankness to the orange flavor that is… bleck.


Perhaps age is at play here? Definitely was never a favorite but I don’t recall fish…


Sorry I put you through this lol

Roswell Strange

It could definitely be age/flavoring that has gone off. Who knows. I do have one more cup worth; so we’ll see if it’s a consistent flavor or if it was possibly just something messed up on my end.

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drank Papaya & Ginger by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (258)

Ginger and papaya are both present. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I like it or not. The ginger is definitely the strongest flavor. The papaya comes through at the end. but with the ginger it seems almost off. Add to that a slight soapiness from the base tea and you have a tea that is delivering what it should be but also is still not great.

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drank Caramel Oolong by TeaTaxi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (287)

This really is a nice caramel flavor. It is rich and almost syrupy because there is a thick caramel sweetness. It really is nice and if I were to place a TeaTaxi order, I think I would pick up some more of this though I am not placing an order just for this.

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