Bio Bloody Soprano

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Green Tea
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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I got an early Valentines Day present from my boyfriend-a Breville IQ Kettle!! It has different temperature settings for all types of teas (White, green, oolong and the black option falls with...” Read full tasting note
  • “My brother-in-law is a huge coffee person, so much so that he gets the caffeine headaches when he doesn’t have one. Well today that headache kicked in at around 9:30 at night so I suggested maybe a...” Read full tasting note

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2 Tasting Notes

561 tasting notes

I got an early Valentines Day present from my boyfriend-a Breville IQ Kettle!! It has different temperature settings for all types of teas (White, green, oolong and the black option falls with herbal and rooibos). What a difference it makes for green tea! Usually I find it has a bitter taste to it and this cup of tea does not have that issue. It is a light refreshing cup of fruity green tea. My tea world has changed forever. I’m in love!

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6444 tasting notes

My brother-in-law is a huge coffee person, so much so that he gets the caffeine headaches when he doesn’t have one. Well today that headache kicked in at around 9:30 at night so I suggested maybe a tea would provide enough caffeine to help the headache without keeping him up all night.

I figured a fruity green would be flavorful without being vegetal. Since I didn’t have my whole stash here, this is what I ended up going with. I was nervous as I usually am when sharing tea with non tea drinkers, especially tea I’ve never tried before. Luckily he loved it and drank most of the mug in under twenty minutes. Most because he left me some to try.

This was a juicy, tropical green. No contribution from the base really so it was light and fruity. Strawberry and papaya both vaguely detectable if you focused but mostly it had that generic tropical juice type flavor. It was pretty good though nothing so amazing that I need more right away. I might it to an order though if for nothing else it’s one I know I can share with family :P


Nice, I hope it helped his headache in the end.


His headache did go away but he also had chocolate and soda so we aren’t sure what helped it.

Evol Ving Ness

Being coddled helps a lot with pain. That was likely your doing.


My sister is actually the coddler and provider of chocolate and soda. I’m just the one obsessed with tea and making tea for others.

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