Mild, slightly sweet melon, honey and a hint of a vegetable broth taste on the first infusion. A little bit of mineral flavor. Smooth, but somewhat bland. Which is good if you don’t want an earthy puer.
I’m not noting a large difference on the second infusion. Still nice and mild.
On third infusion with a longer steep it seems to be getting sweeter with an almost cake/bread taste.
I get a good theanine vibe/buzz on this, which is why I enjoy sheng puer teas. That definitely boosts the rating for me.
Enjoyable, but the price might be a little high for this one. Try to get it on a sale.
Reviewed 9/18/2020. I don’t do anything special to store my puers – just keep them in the original bag, sealed.
Flavors: Cake, Honey, Melon, Mineral, Sweet, Vegetable Broth