“A fresh and light green, with subtle seaweedy notes, but not so much that it tastes vegetal. Instead it is mostly fragrant and nutty like salted edamame. Very delicious and easy to overdose on.” Read full tasting note
Oxidation: Unoxidized
Production: Pan Dried, Secret Production Process
Farming: Traditional Farming, No Chemical Pesticides or Fertilizers
Attributes: Brightening & Enlivening
An accessible and forgiving green, this newly invented tea is made from the small-leafed Fujian varietal. Even under less-than-optimal temperatures and longer-than-recommended steeping times, it rarely succumbs to the bitterness and astringency characteristic of overdone greens. Its terrific, ripe-mango aroma and matching mellow sweetness make it an effortless pick for everyday drinking.
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