I’m putting this one into my “tricky steeper” file; when it worked it was awesome but when it didn’t it was meh. I also never got it to fly through multiple steeps (over 2).
The perfect cup was nuanced- mellow hay and cucumber layered with honey, stonefruits, melon, and nuts covered with a light dab of cocoa- leaving the mouth full of something surprisingly equal parts fruity (sweet, melon) and savoury (pepper, walnut, and smoke). The hint of “spice” reminds me a tad of juniper and cedar. There is also a touch of something subtly creamy smooth, like rice or coconut water, or maybe almond milk. This cup pairs surprisingly well with a chocolate peanut bar.
On a bad day it tasted like burnt hay and astringent messiness. Fickle, fickle tea.
Thankfully for the sipdown, today was a good day. Teabento says steep at 80C or 85C and I found life was better if it was steeped somewhere in the middle of this range.
Steep Count: 2 + Rinse
(Sample generously provided by Teabento)
Flavors: Cocoa, Cucumber, Fruity, Hay, Honey, Honeydew, Melon, Nuts, Pepper, Smoke