Tea at the White House Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 3
They didn’t seem to have this blend on their website. There was one called Donut but it looked to be a Forever Nuts type tisane. This is also a fruit tisane, but it has a strong cherry smell and no beetroot. (ETA: They did add it to the website after I wrote this!)
It’s quite nice really, especially since I don’t tend to love cherry teas. It does taste a bit like a jelly doughnut, albeit with quite a bit of apple in there. The cherry does taste like a generic cherry candy, but it’s pretty well tempered by the tarter apple and it doesn’t overwhelm the blend. There is a sugary sweetness to it that makes sense for a sugar-dusted doughnut.
Anyway, a pleasant fruity tisane for the evening! Not something I would go out and buy, but I did enjoy my small cupful. Very sweet though.
Flavors: Apple, Artificial, Butter, Candy, Cherry, Sugar, Sweet, Tart