Sugar Plum Fairy

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Not available
Bubblegum, Apple, Cloves, Fruit Punch, Sweet, Clove, Hibiscus, Plum, Raspberry, Spices, Tart, Cranberry, Orange, Thin, Watery, Woody, Fruity, Musty, Strawberry
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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From Simpson & Vail

This green rooibos blend is caffeine free and is sure to be enjoyed by young and old alike. The reddish amber cup imparts a fruity, heady aroma. It has an interesting complex flavor that is a perfectly balanced blend of fruity, sweet and exotic.

Like the Sugar Plum Fairy herself, this herbal blend has an elegant taste that is sure to become a classic.

Ingredients: Organic green rooibos, organic whole cloves, rosehips, hibiscus, sweet blackberry leaf, plum flavor, mallow blossoms, raspberry pieces, natural strawberry flavor, and vanilla beans.

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11 Tasting Notes

336 tasting notes

I had topped this off roughly two weeks ago toward the end of the workday. Unfortunately, I hadn’t made many notes regarding my session, but was kind enough to leave myself with this: Bubble Tape bubble gum. 6.8/10.

Flavors: Bubblegum

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1967 tasting notes

Advent Day 18

Smells slightly medicinal, which thankfully doesn’t translate to the flavor. Kind of a generic fruity, candy, spiced flavor.

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397 tasting notes

Simpson & Vail Advent Calendar: Day 18

Clooooves ahoy!

My partner tried this one blind and instantly detected apples and clove; he pegged it as a mulled apple cider-inspired tea. I can see that, although I get more of an apple juice vibe than a cider one.

I don’t really notice anything too plummy, though. It’s more generic fruit juice with a little hibiscus tang and a lotta clove. It’s OK but not really something I need to drink again!

(Re: the cloves, it probably doesn’t help that I’ve simultaneously got a simmer pot going on the stove, and it’s very clove-forward! I love cloves as a scent far more than cloves as a flavor.)

Flavors: Apple, Cloves, Fruit Punch, Sweet

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4336 tasting notes

This is such a well thought out blend here. So many ingredients that seem like they make the blend extra special: Organic green rooibos, organic whole cloves, rosehips, hibiscus, sweet blackberry leaf, flavorings, vanilla beans, mallow blossoms and raspberry pieces. The mallow flowers on that green rooibos base just visually pop. Sadly, I wish I loved the flavor of the blend more than I love the effort behind it. Mainly, there is a flavor of blackberry leaves that is the most distinct, which I wish wasn’t here at all. The hibiscus and rosehips aren’t making an appearance at all, even while brewing two teaspoons, which is fine with me. I’m not sure which of these ingredients I can actually taste other than the blackberry leaves which is a shame. On the second steep, the brew color looked like the inside of a plum, which is a nice touch. It even had more of a hint of plum flavor, which was nice, but I’m not sure if that was the other fruity elements… The second steep seemed like a completely different tea from the first steep and I’m glad the blackberry leaves were less noticeable in the second cup. S&V has an excellent black tea blend with plum flavoring, so I’m surprised more (if any) of that plum flavor wasn’t used here.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug// 15 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 minute steep

Mastress Alita

Oh lawds, that Plum Black tea is so amazingly good. I’m sticking to my New Year’s Resolution to not order tea, but once I’ve destashed my house and have room for tea again, I will get some of that stuff!


Haha. I almost included some in the teabox, but I wanted you to buy some fresh plum as you mentioned you would eventually.

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4330 tasting notes

Advent Calendar 2024 – Day 18

Yay, a holiday tea!

This smells like a mulled cider sort of blend, but kind of tastes like nothing? It’s a little bit like bland clove water, maybe I should’ve used even less than 8 ounces of water ha ha. I don’t taste the hibiscus at all, and only a faint whisper of fruit. Mostly I feel like I’m tasting the green rooibos? I have a half-ounce bag of this from the subscription this month, so we’ll see how that goes ha ha.

Flavors: Clove, Thin, Watery, Woody

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

The only drink that could be worse than bland clove water is strong clove water.

Cameron B.

Ha ha, so true! You and I are on the same page with clove.


No Beeman’s Clove gum in either of your stockings, then!

Cameron B.

Lol, thank you but no thank you! XP


I have a pack here that I bought to remind me of my mother, who loved it. It has been safe from chewing for about twenty years and will remain safe for the foreseen future!

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2585 tasting notes

So this is a review of the recipe on the S&V website to turn this tea into sugar cookies…hope you don’t mind.

After a few cups of this tea, I gave up on it and decided to make it into cookies. There’s a sugar cookie recipe on the S&V website, and it turned out pretty well! You steep the tea in melted butter, which is fun. The tea flavor was definitely more obvious in the raw dough, whereas there’s just a hint under the buttery flavor of the cookies. The clove is too strong in the tea, but it works in the cookies, and the plum is tasty in there too. The cookies were pretty addicting when they were nice and soft, but once they hardened up, they weren’t quite as good. I don’t really like sugar cookies, so this was a big test that went…okay? I definitely prefer the tea ice cream recipe that I make, and next time I think I’ll try making an unloved tea into cake. Or maybe snickerdoodles? I definitely recommend cooking with teas though. It’s fun and makes the kitchen smell great.


This sounds fun! I haven’t really done any cooking with tea, but really should try a few things.


Try it! There are so many recipes online. My sister makes these earl grey macarons that are really good.

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