“STTB I finished this off because there wasn’t enough left (~0.5 tsp) after I removed my 1 tsp so I just used it all. The oolong here is lightly roasty, but not strong by any means. There is some...” Read full tasting note
“Samurai Travelling Tea Box – Tea #37 So, it looks like posts from the “Great Steepster Freeze of 2020” aren’t being lost (just a bad glitch with the cache) and sections of the website are slowly...” Read full tasting note
“Another tea from the tea box! This tea is a pretty good mix of fruit and oolong. Both flavors are light enough to be subtle and enjoyable, yet still quite flavorful. Once it cools, I also notice a...” Read full tasting note
“‘Samurai’ Traveling Teabox – Tea #14 I’m not exactly sure how old this is. It was not already on Steepster and was not on their site anymore. It seems like a surprisingly more basic blend than...” Read full tasting note
All Organic: Oolong tea, Calendula, Mango & Almond Essences
Steep 1 tsp in boiling water 3-5 minutes. Has caffeine.
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