Nio Teas Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 17
At first I thought this was a duplicate, as I had a karigane from Sakamoto earlier in the advent. But they appear to be two different teas, even though they’re both made with gyokuro stems. I think this one has more stems, and the other has more leaves? Unsure.
Regardless, this is a tasty tea! It has the rich vegetal and umami flavor of gyokuro, but in a much lighter form. Sweet and smooth with a creamy kabocha note, paired with a clean, mineral finish with a touch of hay.
The second steep is much lighter, but still has a smooth vegetal note to it, along with fresh grass and a light nuttiness. It tastes a bit more kukicha-like, with less of the gyokuro intensity.
Flavors: Grass, Hay, Kabocha, Mineral, Nuts, Smooth, Spinach, Squash, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal