“So far, I’m not having any luck with sheng puerhs. Only once did I ever have an aged sheng that I really liked. Young sheng has been too bitter and heavy on the mineral notes for me. This aged one...” Read full tasting note
This rare, 1995, green (aka uncooked or sheng) puerh tea from Yunnan is aging perfectly and is phenomenal to drink right now, or to age further. The infused cup of tea has a very clear, bright, green, slightly sweet flavor, with just a hint of a toasty note. While the infusion is light in color, there is tons of flavor in the cup. Good for multiple infusions. This is a fabulous green puerh tea, that will just get better as it ages.
After picking appropriate tender leaves, the first step in making raw pu’er is converting the leaf to maocha (“light green rough tea” ). The leaves are then dry pan-fried using a large wok in a process, which stops enzyme activity in the leaf and prevents further oxidation. The leaves can then be rolled, rubbed, and shaped through several steps into strands. The shaped leaves are then ideally dried in the sun and then manually picked through to remove bad leaves. Once dry, maocha can be sent directly to the factory to be pressed into raw pu’er, or like this one aged uncompressed and sold at its maturity as aged loose-leaf raw pu’er.
Raw Green Puer from 1995
Yunnan, China
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