I purchased this for the peach-faced lovebird picture and stuck around for the straightforward, soothing cup it created.
All peach flavoured teas and tisanes that I’ve tried thus far have reminded me of fuzzy peaches candy. This one doesn’t break the mold but that’s ok. I like fuzzy peaches.
The rooibos is noticeable but it blends well with the peach flavour, tart blackberry leaves, and the salty sweet calendula petals. It’s juicy and sweet but it also makes my mouth pucker. This is another cup that I think will be great for a warm summer evening. I’m so very ready for spring and summer right now.
I think this would be more peach-faced lovebird if they used green rooibos, for a green “body” and peach “face”, just for kicks… I miss my loud, strong-willed bird so much.