Advent Season 2021 Day 1
The only advent I purchased this year is Nerdfelt teas because I’d never heard of the company before and thought this would be a good way to explore their offerings.
This is a good start because (1) the name made me laugh and (2) the dry leaf smelled awesome. The sample is only about 1 tsp which makes for easy sipdowns but means there wasn’t a second serving I could share or play around with. Oh well.
Taste wise I enjoyed this one. It’s almost jammy in sweetness. Distinct currant but not overly medicinal like currants can often be. I think that’s because it starts as currants but melts more to a generic berry flavour. A touch floral. Smooth. Overall a lovely introduction to the company. I am currently very content :)
Such a cute name! :3
Nicename and I did very similar thing with new to me company :)