French Butter Cookie Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural Flavours
Butter, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 8 oz / 236 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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21 Tasting Notes View all

  • “When Red Leaf announced they would change their GC to be worth up to 50% until the end of April provided that those of us with GC’s had a new review up, I seized the opportunity to pick up a few...” Read full tasting note
  • “A friend of mine fell in love with Red Leaf Matcha and so we decided to split an order. We went with the buy 5, get two free package and went with the following options: Size: Small (30g) Matcha...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made this cold in a water bottle today at work. 1/2 tsp in 6oz water. Albeit it was room temperature water. I found it was much more flavourful this way. Very creamy, buttery and strongly vanilla....” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks VariaTEA for this one. It made a tasty latte – sweet, smooth and very buttery! I really enjoyed it! It’s a fairly mild flavour though, so I’m not sure I would buy this one on it’s own,...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

For those who want to reinvent the way that they enjoy their snacks, nothing says it better than French Butter Cookie Matcha. The widely loved French butter cookie with its button like appearance, combined with the welcoming emerald green of exotic Matcha, can turn any mundane snack break into a rare and unforgettable experience for the palate. This is because, the sweet creamy taste of French Butter Cookie is toned down, rounded and made bolder by the presence of regal Matcha in the mix. French Butter Cookie Matcha is a treat that can turn heads with its attractive coloring and mouth-watering taste.

Since it is easy to find a good reason to celebrate, including French Butter Cookie Matcha into the refreshment settings of celebratory occasions really brings out the party feel in the mouth. This delectable and versatile snack with its combination of many tastes rolled in one is perfect for both the young and also the young at heart. For the young, its crunchy chewy feel in the mouth is wonderful and leaves a great aftertaste. For the young at heart, its balanced taste and trendy feel on the palate is an experience anybody would want to experience again and again. French Butter Cookie Matcha is a unique treat that speaks to its takers of possibilities that can be realized if only they are adventurous enough to take the first step.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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21 Tasting Notes

15565 tasting notes

When Red Leaf announced they would change their GC to be worth up to 50% until the end of April provided that those of us with GC’s had a new review up, I seized the opportunity to pick up a few new flavours including the new French Butter Cookie Matcha!

My matcha order was the following:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Distinctive

First to review this, so i hope i do it justice. I had this in latte form and while it’s tasty and delicious, it’s also not quite as strong a flavour as i’d hoped for. It tastes a lot like a creamy vanilla flavour rather than that sort of buttery goodness that is a butter cookie. Now, that being said it’s still really tasty, but i think i was looking for something different. It could just be that the robust flavouring is the way to go for this matcha, but i’ve been trying to scale back the intensity of my flavours lately to try and get to distinctive for most of my matchas. I think that anyone who likes that creamy sort of taste will enjoy this matcha, though if you’re looking for that buttery goodness it might be best to try a stronger flavour. That being said, I also still need to try this with just water to see how the taste changes and whether it’s just the milk that’s covering up the buttery goodness. Definitely a possibility.

Buy it here:

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6444 tasting notes

A friend of mine fell in love with Red Leaf Matcha and so we decided to split an order. We went with the buy 5, get two free package and went with the following options:
Size: Small (30g)
Matcha Quality: Classic (Basic Grade)
Matcha Type: Regular
Flavor Level: Delicate

When my package finally arrived, I opened it up to find this matcha was slightly open. Consequently, I decided to try this first. I used half a teaspoon of matcha mixed with 8 oz. of milk. Even at the delicate flavor level, it is pretty accurate to the real thing. Immediately I noticed a vanilla creaminess that was delicious but not exactly reminiscent of a cookie. However, as I continue the sip, the baked goods flavor creeps in and I am left with the aftertaste that is 100 percent cookie. Moreover, the more I drink, the more I notice that it is not simply a vanilla creaminess but rather the sip starts off tasting of butter. This is definitely a matcha I would consider getting again because what I first wrote off as just another creamy vanilla matcha turned out to be a flavorful cup of liquefied French Butter Cookies. It takes me back to the time when I was younger and reminds me of the excitement I felt when I opened the tin of butter cookies to actually find cookies inside and not the sewing equipment my grandmother liked to store in them.

This delicious treat can be found here:

Flavors: Butter, Vanilla


Nice! I was wondering if this would be too similar to one of the vanilla flavours.


It does taste very strongly of vanilla but there are other components as well.


That really good to know since I’ve been going back on forth on what to get next time I order, but was worried that most of the bakery stuff would taste the same (since Caramel and English Toffee were too similar for me).


I have some English Toffee as well. Hopefully it tastes different from the Caramel for me. I also have Creme Brulee which I hope is not the same as those two. So far my favorite by far is the Caramel Popcorn.


Caramel Popcorn is one I should definitely try out next time since I like the Caramel and English Toffee anyway. Actually, I’m sure if you tasted Caramel and ET side by side, there would be a noticeable difference, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t start one until I finished another, and they were ultimately too similar to have both around. Creme Brulee sounds like another one that may be too similar.

Roswell Strange

Once you inevitably drink up your matcha, we should split an order – it seems like a lot of the matcha on your wishlist is the same as what’s on mine.


taaaakkkkeee miiiinnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Roswell Strange

Noooo… I don’t want to receive stuff from people when I’m not in a position right now where I can share back as freely D: I feel guilty getting so much free stuff.


Haha Sil. And Roswell Strange, I already split my order with a friend but I am sure we can figure something out. Like something tells me I will go through it faster than she will and I will have to get more sooner.


Plus she is neither a cherry or banana fan so I need to find someone who is willing to try either or both of those flavors.


i think i have banana and cream in my cupboard. i’ll look..there’s ONE package i have that’s not in my cupboard lol

Roswell Strange

Well obviously not this order – this one is all yours. But once you’re ready to place another order. Banana sounds great. I’ve had Black Cherry and really disliked it…


NOOO!!! I had such high hopes for Black Cherry. And Sil, is bananas and cream good? That is one I wanted to try. It will probably be ordered eventually.


i liked black cherry..but i think i used to cut it with cheesecake.. as for idea, it’s one of my unopened..i’ll try it this weekend haha

Roswell Strange

Oh, Sil have you tried Ten or Captain Jack yet from your Doctor Who sampler? I don’t remember seeing reviews for them – but I’m definitely curious :)


neither yet..but they’re on my list of teas to try and get through this week/weekend. I really wanted to try a few more tonight but i can barely manage to drink much of anything tonight other than the rye and coke. almost done work stuff and it’s nearly bed time. so annoying.

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871 tasting notes

Made this cold in a water bottle today at work. 1/2 tsp in 6oz water. Albeit it was room temperature water. I found it was much more flavourful this way. Very creamy, buttery and strongly vanilla. It could be French butter cookie but I think I would call it vanilla birthday cake. I also add a sprinkle of white sugar.

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1598 tasting notes

Thanks VariaTEA for this one. It made a tasty latte – sweet, smooth and very buttery! I really enjoyed it! It’s a fairly mild flavour though, so I’m not sure I would buy this one on it’s own, but maybe if I split it?

So this brings me down one tea, but because VariaTEA was kind enough to drop off samples for me while she picked up her half of the silly horse tea (from A&D), I’m now at 219!


219 is better than 220 :P


Also, I have lots of this one if you ever want more :)




:P Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind once I get under 200!

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513 tasting notes

Because I was a bit disappointed with the almond buscotti tea I’d had earlier, I decided to whip myself up some matcha milk before heading off to work. I’m getting close to a sip down on this one! It tasted delicious and buttery, although again, in the wake of the banana and cream matcha, I don’t quite know if it really stands a chance in featuring in my next order. This cup was also slightly tarnished by the fact that my magic bullet blends such that I get all this foam that settles at the bottom of the glass, and I don’t like it because it kind of has this dry mouth feel. If I blend for longer, this doesn’t make it go away, so I think I’ll just resign myself to the fact that there’ll be a bit of flavoured foam at the bottom of each glass that I shouldn’t try and sip because I won’t like it. Ah well, you can’t have it all can you?
Delicious treat. Thanks so much, Courtney!


Haha I’m glad you enjoyed the Banana & Cream so much. It is so good! I also really enjoy this one, but I agree that nothing will come close to banana matcha milk.


Haha I probably shouldn’t have tried the banana one first! Have you tried any of the other fruit flavours? I’m thinking the strawberry and cream and raspberries and cream ones might be delish.


I ordered the Strawberries & Cream, but it is still en route. I haven’t tried the Rapberries & Cream, though it’s on my list. As far as straight fruits I’ve tried watermelon, fig, green apple, coconut, and cranberry.


oh! what did you think of the watermelon and green apple? did you try them with milk? and do let me know how you like the strawberry one-I think I’ll order it if enough people with similar tastes to me like it, and it seems that so far, that’s the case.


Honestly the only fruit one that has worked so far is coconut. The others were chemically and/or just not as natural as I like. I’m extremely picky when it comes to natural tastes though. Yep, all with milk. I’ve seen plenty of good notes on them though, so don’t ixnay them altogether. :)


Hmmm, off to read notes. I’m particularly interested in green apple! and although I’m not as picky about something tasting natural, I am extremely picky about things tasting like chemicals.


The green apple is amazing mixed with caramel. Nom nom nom.


mmm that does sound delicious!

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1792 tasting notes

Many thanks to VariaTEA for providing me with a sample of French Butter Cookie. The matcha itself smells like a smooth vanilla, more bakery-like than their French Vanilla.

I just prepared a matcha latte with 3/4 tsp matcha, some brown sugar, and 1% milk. The flavour of the matcha is definitely a more buttery version of French Vanilla. It’s also more delicate, but perhaps because I’m used to the robust-level French Vanilla I’ve been indulging in, and this may be distinctive or delicate? It definitely has a more bakery quality to it. I wish I didn’t put as much brown sugar as I did (plus I ought to start measuring instead of pouring out of the bag) so that I could truly judge the matcha itself. Next time, I won’t use any sugar at all, which is what I usually do with the French Vanilla, anyway.


It is delicate level. Also, I think I would order this again before I would order any of their vanilla matchas. It just seems to have a more prominent flavor than the others, especially at the delicate level.


I can see that, actually. I’ve never had French Vanilla anything less than robust so it would be hard for me to just, but this is definitely something I would order. :)


I have only had French Vanilla at the delicate level and Madagascar Vanilla at the distinctive. Of the ones I tried, this is my preference.


Ah, that’s great that you’ve tried all three, and at similar flavour levels. I’ve yet to try Madagascar Vanilla. I always wondered what it would be like in comparison. Maybe less creamy?


I wasn’t a lover of either vanilla flavors since I thought they didn’t have too much flavor. I know Sil prefers the French Vanilla to the Madagascar Vanilla.


Buttery goodness.

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1396 tasting notes

This one smells so deliciously buttery. This one will be a fixture in my cupboard.

This is also my 500th tasting note.


Congrats on 500!


Woot! Congrats!


Woohoo 500! I think I might have to try this matcha, sounds great!


Delicious note! and woohoo on registration and 500!


Yay! This note makes me happy on so many accounts. For one, I am so happy my excitement over this matcha didn’t lead you to buying it and then hating it. Also, it is so rare for people to get into all the courses they need without a bit of a headache (at least that’s how it has been at McGill) so yay for that. And finally, 500 tasting notes is awesome so congrats!!


Yay 500! :) That’s pretty awesome you got into all your courses. And also weird to me that you register for more than one semester at a time! :)


Happy 500!

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