“I picked this up myself but am terrified to open it and enjoy it. LOL One day I will break down and pull this treasure to pieces. Perhaps I will save it for retirement… only 8 years away. ...” Read full tasting note
“Brewed in a small teapot, 90°C.” Read full tasting note
This compressed square ‘brick’ of large, shiny tea leaves comes from the misty slopes of Yunnan’s mountains. Notably known for its refreshing, energising, beneficial properties, this tea has the unusual feature of improving with age.
The 1999 vintage is stamped with the Chinese ideograms for good luck: a vestige of the 20th century, a gift for the 21st.
Dim= 15 × 16 cm, weight = 500g
Ce thé compressé aux larges feuilles brillantes est cultivé sur les flancs brumeux des montagnes du Yunnan. Réputé notamment pour ses vertus rafraîchissantes, toniques et bienfaisantes, il a la particularité unique de se bonifier avec l’âge. Le millésime 1999 est marqué d’idéogrammes chinois de bonne fortune. Un héritage du 20e siècle, un présent pour le 21e siècle.
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