Bluephoria Organic Yerba Mate

Tea type
Yerba maté Tea
Not available
Autumn Leaf Pile, Berries, Blueberry, Earth, Sweet, Tangy
Sold in
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Fair Trade, Kosher, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by derk
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  • “So a pretty huge part of my job is keeping up to date on new product launches/releases of all different kinds of food/beverage segments – not just tea. Every now and then we’ll spend a day doing...” Read full tasting note
  • “I drink this sometimes at work since we sell it. I can’t taste the leafy, earthy yerba maté much which is nice since it’s a flavor I don’t much care for. In my opinion it’s perfectly sweetened...” Read full tasting note

From Guayaki

Bluephoria has a delicious blueberry and elderberry flower flavor. It’s easy drinking and clean tasting, and not too sweet. Mate has the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate. Yerba mate is made from the naturally caffeinated and nourishing leaves of the celebrated South American rainforest holly tree (Ilex paraguariensis). For centuries, South America’s Aché Guayakí tribe have sipped yerba mate daily from a traditional gourd for its powerful rejuvenative effects. These rainforest people find tremendous invigoration, focus and nourishment in yerba mate and revere it as the “drink of the gods”. Guayakí’s mission is to steward and restore 200,000 acres of South American Atlantic Rainforest and create over 1000 living wage jobs by 2020 by leveraging our Market Driven Restoration Model.

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2 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

So a pretty huge part of my job is keeping up to date on new product launches/releases of all different kinds of food/beverage segments – not just tea. Every now and then we’ll spend a day doing what was call ‘on the groundwork trending’ where I basically just go look at the products in different grocery stores for a whole day…

It’s interesting and helpful for a whole bunch of reasons, but every time I can’t help but shake that kind of back of the mind feeling that I’m essentially being paid to go grocery shopping.

Anyway, the point is that I was doing that today and I ended up buying a whole bunch of new things to try – including this and many other tea related RTDs. Not that this is a new product from Guayuki – it’s actually been around for years. However, yerba mate is sort of seeing a revitalization within North America right now for its wellness benefits and as such a ton of yerba mate products are being released and ones that have existed for a while in specialty markets are becoming more of a mainstay in your average big box grocery store. This was the first time I’d seen this particular flavour, apart from online, offered here in Canada…

It’s actually really good, too! I could see it maybe being too sweet for someone used to drinking a more traditional kind of yerba mate. However, if you’re an RTD consumer and your normal drink of choice is something like Brisk it’s much less sweet than that! I get the subtle smoky undertones and grassier/autumnal leaf notes of the yerba mate itself in the undertones but most of the flavout is a pretty juicy blueberry/elderberry blend with a little bit of a floral undertone.

Historically I have not had a lot of success with canned yerba mate drinks but this is one I would absolutely buy again for myself!


Guayaki headquarters is the next town over, so their products are everywhere and have been for a long time. It’s strange to me that yerba mate doesn’t get much exposure elsewhere in North America, though in Florida this past January, I did spot a row of chilled Enlighten Mint at one grocer.

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1652 tasting notes

I drink this sometimes at work since we sell it. I can’t taste the leafy, earthy yerba maté much which is nice since it’s a flavor I don’t much care for. In my opinion it’s perfectly sweetened and the blueberry and elderberry walk the line between jammy and tangy. Probably my favorite of the varieties we carry. Clean and clear energy. A full can makes my left eye twitch, though, and sometimes leaves me too aggressive. But this is worlds beyond any other energy drink out there.

Really, though, I went on a date today at the park. We shared a few cans of Bluephoria. It was a nice afternoon :)

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Berries, Blueberry, Earth, Sweet, Tangy


Well just make sure they are a tea lover……and have friends that obsess over teas as well. Oh remember we all have that blasted tea budget too…… ;P


A FEW cans? If one can makes you aggressive, did a few cans turn you into the Hulk? muhaha


tea-sipper: Even a full can could not transform me. The rare shy-derk took over.

mrmopar: <3


You should be either comforted or annoyed that you have so many of us looking after your well-being ;)

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