Fortum & Mason Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 16
And we’re back to green! Finding it funny how the order of the teas seems to vary slightly for different copies of this calendar, so sometimes I see a little preview of what’s to come!
This is yummy. The jasmine is more restrained than I am used to, but it still has a lovely natural sweet flavor. It’s not subtle by any means, but lighter than a jasmine pearl tea. The base tea is quite earthy and smooth, with a pleasant warm, dry grass sort of flavor. There’s a hint of smoke at the end of the sip as well, and a touch of minerality. Also picking up a bit of an apricot note, probably from the green tea, as I do often find a fuzzy apricot taste in Chinese greens.
A super pleasant and relaxed jasmine green for the evening. Enjoying this so much after a rather long day… :3
Flavors: Apricot, Astringent, Creamy, Dry Grass, Earth, Floral, Grass, Jasmine, Mineral, Nectar, Smoke, Smooth, Sweet, Vegetal