I don’t know why I ordered this one.
It was stupid of me, really, because I’ve never liked a single one of Deb’s Earl Grey blends. At first I thought it was the lavender, but they don’t all have lavender in them. So I guess it’s either the bergamot or the base tea, but something tastes super earthy, like I’m licking potting soil. And combined with the candylike blueberry flavoring here, it’s very weird. Adding oat milk doesn’t help either, then it’s creamy blueberry dirt.
Sigh. It’s my own fault for ordering this tea, I guess I was just too intrigued by the bergamot & blueberry combo, since I don’t think I’ve had it before. Oh well, into the swap box it goes…
Flavors: Artificial, Blueberry, Candy, Dirt, Earth, Lavender, Musty, Sweet
Sigh, all of Deb’s Earls taste like that to me and it makes me very sad.
It’s so strange and unfortunate!