Hello everyone. It’s been a while. Hope you’re all well, getting ready for the holidays.
I’ve been busy cooking, welcoming someone new into the family (brother-in-law got engaged Finally!) and … cooking. :)
In between all that I’ve Been drinking old favourites and up until this Black Friday I haven’t bought much “new” tea. This was one of the teas I picked up from Della Terra. Can’t beat their Black Friday prices, really. Assuming you like their teas, of course.
The taste of this to me is identical to DAVIDs “love tea #7” which I quite enjoy. I get the berries and the chocolate all together with black base when the tea is hot. As it cools, not so much base anymore.
Those of you not on my Instagram (which is all of you, really, save for mrmopar and one other), here’s what I’ve been up to.
Until next time…