So, one of the stores here still has this. Weird, eh? I snatched some up to see what all the commotion was about.
I can see why it was named Buttercream. The aroma of the dry leaf is reminiscent of buttercream: sweet, creamy, and smooth. But my nose can’t help but get past the mango in here. So to me it’s more like ultra creamy sticky mango.
The taste reminds me a little bit of Check Mate, probably due to the chamomile. This is a lot smoother though since I’m not detecting any astringency (which I sometimes get from Check Mate). The buttercream flavour is there but it’s really mild. Again, the mango is the main note here.
I don’t think it was supposed to be a literal translation of buttercream, but more the texture and overall sensation one experiences when enjoying a piece of cake slathered in buttercream icing.
The mango notes were actually my favourite part about this tea! Too bad they didn’t bring it back this fall.
I like checkmate.
Me too!
I’ve been waiting for them to bring this one back for so long. Mango + cream sounds good to me!
The mango notes were actually my favourite part about this tea! Too bad they didn’t bring it back this fall.
I wish they would bring it back. I would buy a pound of the stuff…