
Tea type
Fruit Honeybush Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 45 sec

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I didn’t want to drink this after I steeped it and smelled it. I may have over-steeped it. I don’t want any more of it after my first sip. Swoooooosh. What else is in my cupboard?” Read full tasting note
  • “A) I didn’t realize how incredibly poorly rated this tea is. B) I didn’t realize that this was a honeybush tea. C) I didn’t realize that there was lime flavouring in here. This could be...” Read full tasting note
  • “So this was backlog.Decided I needed to drink it up. Smells kind of like dried or stale fruit snacks.Not unpleasant but not Papaya-esque yet. I heaped the tea and over I do with all DT...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok so i Tried this, it’s been sitting in my cupboard for a while now, and i disagree with everyone i like this it is definitely papaya, i don’t taste anything else but papaya, if you like papaya...” Read full tasting note


It’s the season
What’s the best fruit of summer? Hmmm, could it be the papaya? It’s just so luscious and tropical and undeniably delicious. Especially with a citrusy splash of lime and a smooth base of wild honeybush – a mineral-rich herbal tea that tastes a bit like rooibos, only sweeter. Ice it and you’ll find that soaring temperatures, burning sun and crazy humidity are really very pleasant. Caffeine-free

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

14 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

I didn’t want to drink this after I steeped it and smelled it. I may have over-steeped it.

I don’t want any more of it after my first sip.

Swoooooosh. What else is in my cupboard?


I applaud you for dumping it. Life’s too short for 11-rated tea!


Agreed, if you don’t like it, dump it and move on to something else.


Yeah I made some Butiki Peppermint Patty and Tealux Chocolate Monkey. Between those two I’ll get that awful taste out of my mouth.

:) I’ll take that first sip, but I’m with you guys – life’s too short for bad tea.

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6119 tasting notes

A) I didn’t realize how incredibly poorly rated this tea is.
B) I didn’t realize that this was a honeybush tea.
C) I didn’t realize that there was lime flavouring in here.

This could be interesting! I requested this as a sample in a DavidsTea order from a while back, and hadn’t yet gotten around to trying it. The aroma is vaguely fruity and a bit limey-citrusy. Nothing objectionable so far!

Given an average rating of 53, the flavour here is far better than I was expecting. Does it taste like papaya? Not particularly, to me anyways. It tastes like a generically fruit-flavoured honeybush, with perhaps a limey aftertaste. Although I dislike the medicinal flavour of red rooibos, I usually enjoy red honeybush, and this tea is no exception! That said, there is absolutely nothing special about this tea. I have less than a cup’s worth left in my sample packet, and will use it up, but certainly wouldn’t seek more.

Boiling 8 min or more

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237 tasting notes

So this was backlog.Decided I needed to drink it up.
Smells kind of like dried or stale fruit snacks.Not unpleasant but not Papaya-esque yet.

I heaped the tea and over I do with all DT herbals..I need full flavor…I will settle for nothing less.

I am afraid that the Rooibos(red honey bush) will kick all other flavors to the a bad significant other..taking all the sheets with them and leaving the other bum out and cold.

Once brewed smells fresher but still the same.I don’t smell fruit bursting out but I try all at least’s a strength and a curse.

as for taste…..well…………….tastes like honeybush..and a tiny fruity nudge not worth mentioning really.I oversteeped and doubled the amount and the fruit is barely there..

Tastes like a plain Rooibos..will trade to lindairvine ..because she likes the Rooibos.

Not much to say the numbers will say it all.

Boiling 8 min or more

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142 tasting notes

Ok so i Tried this, it’s been sitting in my cupboard for a while now, and i disagree with everyone i like this it is definitely papaya, i don’t taste anything else but papaya, if you like papaya this is for you!

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

This was ok, sweet enough cold-brewed but maybe not enough papaya for me.

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12 tasting notes

I grabbed this one yesterday when the Summer Collection came out. I couldn’t really smell it in the tin, but I decided to get it anyways. It doesn’t smell great steeped, just dark and woodsy. Almost like a citronella candle. It tastes almost the same as it smells. I can’t pick up any lime in here, which I was hoping for. Not sure if I like this one.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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606 tasting notes

I forgot I had this sample today until I pulled out the collection to photograph. It’s probably three years old… uh oh… haha either way, here we go!

Well, I kind of forgot about this tea and now it’s warm…

The papaya isn’t too bad but it’s very mild and it’s woody. I don’t hate it, but I’m not really over the moon about it. Meh…

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210 tasting notes

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87 tasting notes

Meh. For some reason I taste soap. That’s the only thing I can really say about it unfortunately.

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62 tasting notes

I received this as a sample from my online order. I had this tea hot but then forgot about it and now its lukewarm. The taste reminds of when I was a kid and I had fruit loops for breakfast, but in a more weaker diulted format…. Maybe its the lime in it. Anyways, the tea isn’t horrible but its definitely not something I would buy a bag of.

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