This tea has a mix of loose leaf tea mixed with whole coffee beans.
The dry tea smells almost like a mocha, a bit of coffee, a bit of milk chocolate. It smells creamy.
The brewed tea is hard to taste when it is hot, there is almost no taste. The taste starts to appear as it cools. It has some elements of coffee, but I wouldn’t really say that it tastes like coffee. There is a slight coffee taste very quick in the aftertaste but then it disappears. There is a kind of cocoa taste to the tea. This one is a bit creamy and does taste smooth. The coffee taste is either blending really well with the tea or it is completely masking the taste of the tea.
Also made this one iced as recommended by the David’s tea. I used double the amount of tea for 4 minutes in boiling water, then added ice. It is not too bad. It tastes like a drink that may be not mixed well. Like when it feels like there is sediment floating around in the drink. It tastes like really weak coffee. Not earthy, but dirt-y. It is very dry tasting. My vote would be to have this one luke-warm and not hot or cold.
Overall, if I am looking for coffee, I think I will just have a cup of coffee and save the tea for tea-time.
Ha, I’m not really a fan either! This was my first pu-erh many moons ago and it wasn’t my thing.
oh dear no, this is a terrible example of pu’erh lol! perhaps the ginger pu-erh?
(goes well with honey!)
Thanks for the heads up! Next time I get to a store I’ll try a bit of that and see if it improves my opinion of pu-erh!
if that doesn’t work I can send you some real unflavoured pu’erh! I find the DT versions have a little bit of a fishy smell anyhow
Indigobloom – completely agree that the DT ones are fishy, but the ginger one is one of the better ones :)
I agree! esp since I mostly drink it when sick :P