“It is very beatiful in my glass. It is funny! And the taste is smooth.” Read full tasting note
When steeped, this Gong Yi flower tea creates a display of “Twin Dragon Juggling a Pearl”, which is what its Chinese name means. In actual, it is a Red Globe Amaranth flower held together by two fine Jasmine flowers-tied strings . The base is made from Yin Zhen (Silver Needle) tea leaves.
Other names:
Shuang Long Xi Zhu
Refreshingly sweet while the taste is clean and smooth with a hint of nutty flavor.
The tea ball is oval in shape and is made by tying Yin Zhen tea leaves, Jasmine and Globe Amaranth flowers together with fine strings. When infused, it slowly opens up and blooms into the beautiful flower display tea.
Fuding, Fujian Province, China
Harvest Period:
Company description not available.