2011 Douji Hong Shang Dou Raw Puerh Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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From China Cha Dao

2011 Douji "Hong Shang Dou" Raw Puerh Tea Cake

Material: Spring Tea from Meng Zhuan, Youle & Mengsong area

Aroma – Thick & Mellow

Flavor – Very smooth and sweet at start, bitterness gets strong on the 3rd & 4th brew when drinking, than slowly fade away back to sweetness! Superb!

Soup – Thick and Soft when drinking

***Recommend tea, a really good price and quality tea!

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6 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

My study aid for the afternoon. Deeeelicous!
See previous notes for details. Angel food cake anyone?


Hey I wanted to get a sample of this but am not sure what to look for:
Douji “Hong Da Dou”
2011 Douji “Hong Shang Dou”
Or are the one and the same?
Sorry just wanted to look for the right thing :)


Good, no icky tea for you. Study, slurp!


Do lang do lang do lang! Do wop! Shoobie do wop!


Azzrian: Humm, I’m not sure! This was a free sample sent to me by the vendor… Maybe if you email him he will know? Sorry I can’t be more help!
Bonnie: Nope nope, I be takin’ no chances today! slurrrrrrrrp!
LOL hey I commented on that same thing to Mum!! I can’t recall what my ditty was but it went something like Hong Da Dou be do be doooo… but she just looked at me like I was craaaazy. Which I am of course :P


Okay thanks Indigobloom :)

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1719 tasting notes

The fifth and sadly last sample from Jerry. This is the most densely packed of the samples. Pulling enough tea off the cake took some effort. The dry leaf is dark and is the most shredded of all the samples. 2g of leaf and near boiling. 10s wash. 45s steep. The wet leaf is dark olive/brown and grassy as was the dry. The liquor in the cup is between a deep rich gold and a copper color.

The first cup is difficult to describe. It’s not overly earthy, grassy. It’s not fishy, bitter, or syrupy. The best I can do is say it is a comfortingly mellow and it makes the sides of my tongue tingle. The first cup is not as complex as most of the others, but I am ok with that on a Monday morning, as it is a warm and happy cup. Cup 2, the leaf was spinachy. The brew is still mellow, no tingle, slightly grassy, more complex, or maybe I am just awake now. 3rd cup very slight fishiness. 4th or 5th cup (lost track) developed a bit of a coppery taste. This is the first tea I have experienced the liquid feeling not syrup but thick. Will revisit this tomorrow with more steeps.

I am really excited that I wrote the above before reading any of the comments or descriptions of this tea. It tells me my tasting skills are progressing.

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43 tasting notes

This tea surprised me a little. I found it to have sweet taste and after taste. I did not find the flavor very strong. But I did get some astringency. I am intrigued-more than anything. I am glad that I could finally get to some of these teas.

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309 tasting notes

First steep: a bit earthily floral, if that makes sense. With a green factor.

Second steep: a Very roasted taste

Third steep: very earthy with slight fish to it

Fourth steep: a bit bitter with earthy finish

Fifth steep: eathiness is much lighter. a tiny bit astringent.

And so on.

This is a good pu-erh and much lighter than most I’ve had.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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1 tasting notes

Overall: This tea is not a typical Puerh tea in our opinion, we are accustomed to a much more earthy pungent tea. This tea is very gentle and gives out a faint sweet aroma. There is a hint of bitter on the tongue and it initially brings a floral flavor. We recommend a longer than shorter steep (approximately 9 minutes). 1st steep was the best in our opinion but keep in mind we are fans of earthy strong tea.

1st steep (one of two trials)- 9 minute steep 1.5 tsp/1 cup 96*C
-light color (coppery)
-aroma not-earthy, sweet
-after-taste is bitter and lasts a while
-initial-taste strong but disperses into a medley of flavors (algae very small hint of fish and floral )
-very good but not the Puerh that we are familiar with

1st steep (two of two trials)- 5 minute steep 1.5 tsp/1 cup 96*C
-light color (golden)
-light fresh smell (almost like green tea)
-initial taste, lightly bitter, disappears quickly
-slight almost floral after-taste
-does not taste like Puerh, however refreshing

2nd steep (two of two trials)- 15 minute steep 1.5 tsp/1 cup 96*C
-very little taste, slightly tart compared to bitter taste of first steep, more floral than first tea
-very faint after-taste (more of a gentile tea), reminiscence of what the first steep used to be
-same color as first five-minute tea (golden)

3rd steep (two of two trials)- 15 minute steep 1.5 tsp/1 cup 96*C
-very similar to the 2nd steep, lost much of it’s flavor.

205 °F / 96 °C

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