Orange Mimosa

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Pu'erh Tea
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  • “Another sample that Stacy sent me of her work in progress. This one is Orange mimosa and made the entire contents of my little package smell heavenly! I am a fan of orange in teas. I am NOT...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Stacy will likely update once she finishes this one. Just want to track what I’ve tried from Butiki teas

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1 Tasting Note

15588 tasting notes

Another sample that Stacy sent me of her work in progress. This one is Orange mimosa and made the entire contents of my little package smell heavenly! I am a fan of orange in teas. I am NOT however, a fan of champagne….but i DO like puerhs. So…2/3 isn’t bad :)

Initial sip – sharp orange flavour that almost instantly becomes muted by the puerh. Sooooo i recently purchased an orange puerh from another company and THIS is what i wanted it to taste like. In subsequent sips, i get more puerh than that initial sharp orange flavour but it’s not bad,especially since this is not close to being finished. i don’t get bubblegum from this Stacy! I am missing the champagne flavour of an actual mimosa…instead this is more like an orange puerh to me. which of course just makes me want to add ginger to this for a little kick lol. Overall, this one isn’t bad…not quite as delicious as i want it to be given my love of orange and puerh, but not a bad cup of tea either. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this one Stacy!

Edit: As this cools the flavour of what i think is likely the “alcohol” flavouring comes out more and the orange takes a back seat.

Cameron B.

Mimosa seems like a strange choice for a puerh… That’s about the last tea I think of when I think of effervescence! :P But I will not question the great and powerful Stacy!

Butiki Teas

The flavoring mix that you had is 2/3 champagne flavoring and 1/3 orange. I’m not loving the champagne flavor combo with this puerh. I may just stick to orange chai or might try orange pineapple chai or something else. The champagne flavoring is kind of sweet and dry.

Cameron B.

Stacy, I vote for some form of bellini tea! Oolong perhaps? ;)

Butiki Teas

Cameron-I’m definitely not opposed to do a belini! Probably won’t happen for this puerh though. Hmmmm, I’m going to try Orange & White Chocolate for the puerh next.


Orange, pineapple sounds amazing Stacy…esp because I LOVE your pineapple.

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