Another sample that Stacy sent me of her work in progress. This one is Orange mimosa and made the entire contents of my little package smell heavenly! I am a fan of orange in teas. I am NOT however, a fan of champagne….but i DO like puerhs. So…2/3 isn’t bad :)
Initial sip – sharp orange flavour that almost instantly becomes muted by the puerh. Sooooo i recently purchased an orange puerh from another company and THIS is what i wanted it to taste like. In subsequent sips, i get more puerh than that initial sharp orange flavour but it’s not bad,especially since this is not close to being finished. i don’t get bubblegum from this Stacy! I am missing the champagne flavour of an actual mimosa…instead this is more like an orange puerh to me. which of course just makes me want to add ginger to this for a little kick lol. Overall, this one isn’t bad…not quite as delicious as i want it to be given my love of orange and puerh, but not a bad cup of tea either. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this one Stacy!
Edit: As this cools the flavour of what i think is likely the “alcohol” flavouring comes out more and the orange takes a back seat.
Mimosa seems like a strange choice for a puerh… That’s about the last tea I think of when I think of effervescence! :P But I will not question the great and powerful Stacy!
The flavoring mix that you had is 2/3 champagne flavoring and 1/3 orange. I’m not loving the champagne flavor combo with this puerh. I may just stick to orange chai or might try orange pineapple chai or something else. The champagne flavoring is kind of sweet and dry.
Stacy, I vote for some form of bellini tea! Oolong perhaps? ;)
Cameron-I’m definitely not opposed to do a belini! Probably won’t happen for this puerh though. Hmmmm, I’m going to try Orange & White Chocolate for the puerh next.
Orange, pineapple sounds amazing Stacy…esp because I LOVE your pineapple.