Glenburn Silver Needle

Tea type
White Tea
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Hay, Malt, Ocean Air, Paper
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec 2 g 10 oz / 289 ml

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  • “So, I think I’m officially a newbie Whovian. After only a few short weeks of watching Doctor Who while I work, I’m already on Season 5 (a few episodes in). I just can’t seem to get enough and I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “The large hairy silver needles are gorgeous…haha that sounds funny. The most prominent notes are the malt and hay. Then this tea transforms into sweet, subtle, silky peach notes. The aroma is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Stacy sent this as a sample with one of my previous Butiki orders. Thanks! This tea is quite nice. The first steep is heavily spinachy, with a touch of sweetness and a smooth, buttery mouthfeel. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Nice, light white tea. I didn’t realize I hadn’t written about it previously, so didn’t pay attention to the nuances last night, but it was pretty tasty.” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Glenburn Silver Needle originates from the Glenburn Estate located in the Himalayas above the Rungeet River in India. The Glenburn Estate is working closely with the board of the Ethical Tea Partnership, which focuses on sustainability and living and working conditions of those working at tea estates, to bring the ETP to the Darjeeling region and is focused on maintaining high ethical standards. Our Glenburn Silver Needle is malty yet also very sweet. Hay, almond, and juicy peach notes are prominent; however, floral and citrus notes can also be detected. This tea has a rich buttery flavor and creamy texture that lingers long after each sip. For those looking for a great introduction to white teas, we highly recommend Glenburn Silver Needle because it is very flavorful.

Ingredients: Indian White Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 5 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 tablespoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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11 Tasting Notes

60 tasting notes

So, I think I’m officially a newbie Whovian. After only a few short weeks of watching Doctor Who while I work, I’m already on Season 5 (a few episodes in). I just can’t seem to get enough and I’m starting to fear that I’m running closer to being out of episodes to watch. Ack. There will definitely be a Doctor Who tea of some kind. Now it’s just a matter of brainstorming.

I’ve decided to set aside Thursday for adding a few new teas. Our Coconut Cream Pie and Grandpa’s Anytime Tea are back and completely ready to be added to our site again. Also, the Pumpkin Milkshake will finally go up. In addition to those, we have 2 new Indian teas that need to be processed. One is this white tea and the other is a green tea. We have a few tea jars that we need to add as well. We might even have some time to work on our next 3 flavored teas that are very close to being done.

I am really loving Indian white teas and have picked up 2 this year. This one was harvested in June and has lovely malty and hay notes but it is also very sweet. There are some almond notes and juicy pear notes as well as some floral notes. I love how this tea lingers and the buttery notes last quite long. This tea is so tasty and I think a good introduction into white teas. I will definitely be using this tea as a base tea.


Sounds like a white tea right up my alley! Can’t wait for all the new teas!


you have yet to name my tea! coconut cream pie, but not a la herbal!! our households turns around dr. who seasons. november 23rd (?) is when the next one comes out. and we’re getting a new dr. soon!


Oh, this tea sounds lovely. And I’m jealous that you get to watch shows while you work!


Yay! Doctor Who tea!


My local shop carries some Glenburn’s and this is one that’s a favorite of everyone. Really good! Rich even I’d say in a way you don’t expect a silver needle to be.


WANT! he he


Are you adding this plain tea to the site, Stacy?

Butiki Teas

tigress_al-It’s absolutely delicious! While I love the tea base I chose for our Champagne with Rose Cream, I think I might have to try it with this tea because it almost has a bubbliness to it.

JustJames-I try not to talk too much about custom blends too much but I am just super happy with how your tea is coming along. Mmmmm. Since the Palitao tea didn’t work with the bases I tried, I was thinking about testing it with one of the bases you chose because the coconut just worked so well with it. Oh boy, I better set a calender reminder!

keychange-Thanks! Well, I figure since I work so many hours that its ok to watch some shows in the background though I must admit that Doctor Who can be a little distracting. I’m sure my productivity has gone down a tiny bit.

Fuzzy_Peachkin-I’m excited about it! Oh the possibilities. Currently, I’m thinking maybe a sonic screwdriver or psychic paper reference. We will see. I love the Weeping Angels but unfortunately, I have seen that tea has already been done.

Bonnie-Oh yeah, definitely very different from most silver needles. We will be carrying another Indian silver needle as well and that one has some amazing cherry notes. Both are fantastic! I hate to say it but I think I prefer Indian white teas to Chinese white teas.

Butiki Teas

Amy oh-Glad to hear that! Yes, we should have this one up on Thursday. :)


Doctor Who tea!!! (take all my money!)

Butiki Teas

^Hahaha, well I am open to suggestions.

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

Dude…..Dr. Who is the best show ever made. It’s addictive…and I am WAITING for the newest season to come on Netflix (because my tiny town doesn’t offer BBCA)…..PLEASE tell me you are going to make a Dr Who TEA!! I’ll buy tons!! Just to say I have a mouth full of the doctor….(ewe! but it was an easy one….had to take it….you know what I mean).
Maybe I should speak more civilized….

Ahem… As an avid Dr Who fan myself, I would be most interested in hearing more about your interpretation of the series in TEA and partaking of an ounce or 10…..

And also….going to buy coconut cream because you were sold out when I made my last purchase…I was sad…

Butiki Teas

Ali Bee-Hahahaha. I’m dying laughing. I’m watching Doctor Who right now. Hmmm, I’m starting to think I might like Matt Smith more than David Tennant. Didn’t think that was going to happen.

Sorry that the Coconut Cream was sold out when you last purchased. We have a fresh amazing smelling batch ready now! :)


nope, i disagree. matt smith annoys me. loved david tennant, also christopher eccleston, but he was only there for one season! so sad.

Butiki Teas

JustJames-I liked Christopher Eccleston but he was a little too intense for the show. David Tennant was awesome, I just think I’m liking Matt Smith perhaps a little more because he is a bit quirkier. Now that I’ve seen a full season with Matt Smith, maybe I need to go back and see another episode with David Tennant for comparison.

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

David Tennant will always be my Doctor Love….. I cried on his last episode. I keep hoping they will have some cameo …maybe where he goes to the other dimension and sees Rose and her Doctor Double….. that would be pretty cool


I never thought I’d like Matt Smith over David Tennant, but then I started to crush on him pretty hard too. :P But, after a season with MS, I liked his quirkiness more.

I can’t wait for the 50th Anniversary episode though. I’ve got that saved in my phone!

Butiki Teas

Ali Bee-I was fearing David Tennant’s departure and had no idea how they would replace him but I think because I have been making my way through these seasons so fast that I didn’t have time to really be saddened since I was already on to the next season. That would be a great idea. It would be fun to see the 2 doctors play off each other.

Cavocorax-He just has that fun quirkiness about him. When is the 50th Anniversary episode?

Butiki Teas

Awesome! So the season premiere is also the 50th anniversary? Or is that a separate thing? I’m so jealous that it will be shown in 3D in the UK.


This is the first time that I’m actually up-to-date on my episodes, but from the sounds of it we get the Anniversary special (which might be a great time to release a Doctor Who tea!), then the Christmas special, and then they START filming Series 8. :(

So we might have to wait until August or September for the new stuff!

Butiki Teas

Oh wow, that is further than I thought. Hmmm, maybe I could release a tea a couple weeks before the 50th. I was already thinking I might go with “Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey” as the name. I’m not 100% on that though.

Butiki Teas

Other potential tea names were:
It’s Bigger on the Inside
Bad Wolf
Sonic Screwdriver

Not so sure what I want to do with the Doctor Who tea but I know it has to be a black tea and it has to be fun. Guess I just need to watch more episodes. I’m nearing the end of the 6th season and am starting to panic a little bit about running out of Doctor Who episodes though I plan on going back and finding all of the older seasons.

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

ok make a series!! I love Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey and Bad Wolf….gotta name a black tea Bad Wolf….
Other thouhts:
The Master
The Tea Who Waited
Allonzy Alanzo

I’ll be back with more…just gotta get the kids cleaned up and ready for dinner…right now I’m sneaking in a Steepster peek

Ali Bee's Bake Shop


Ali Bee's Bake Shop

ugh!!! I broke a nail earlier today and now I can’t type…

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

THE SILENCE!! Ok I’m done for right now…really

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

Prisoner X
Spoilers…tho Spoilers and tea may sound like it’s a rancid tea….

Butiki Teas

I love a lot of those ideas! The Silence sounds amazing! Also, I think Gallifrey might be awesome. It would have to be the most perfect tea.

Ali Bee's Bake Shop

Oh yes…there would be a lot of pressure on a tea named Gallifrey…. but I would buy that tea!!!

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1184 tasting notes

The large hairy silver needles are gorgeous…haha that sounds funny.
The most prominent notes are the malt and hay. Then this tea transforms into sweet, subtle, silky peach notes. The aroma is intoxicating.
There is something about white teas that I love in the afternoon, so calming an subtle. I need more whites!

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1307 tasting notes

Stacy sent this as a sample with one of my previous Butiki orders. Thanks!

This tea is quite nice. The first steep is heavily spinachy, with a touch of sweetness and a smooth, buttery mouthfeel. There’s a pleasant apricot note that comes out at the end of the sip. Citrus notes really pop out in the second steep, leaving a minty fresh aftertaste. I didn’t feel up to a third steep, but I suspect this tea would take it well.

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6119 tasting notes

Nice, light white tea. I didn’t realize I hadn’t written about it previously, so didn’t pay attention to the nuances last night, but it was pretty tasty.


I ALMOST had Butiki’s Glenburn Darj today. haha :D


That one’s up shortly for me! (I keep seeing it and not grabbing it, idk, darjeelings are finicky and I don’t remember loving it. But I’ll probably drink it within the week!)

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523 tasting notes

Sweet and delicate, but not too delicate. There are some hay notes, but not as strong as in some white teas that I’ve had. I don’t like it much when the hay takes over.

I have a couple of other favorite white teas at the moment, but this one is pretty good. I might purchase it on occasion.

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518 tasting notes

This tea is so rich and flavorful. It’s got very strong hay notes, and quite a bit of malt for a white.

Creamy, rich, tasty, filling.

It went incredibly well with that piece of shortbread.


My spouse is curled up with two of the kitties. He jokingly called himself the crazy cat lady. Usually, in the evenings when we’re lounging on the couch watching TV the kitties curl up with me. I feel kinda jealous, but it’s also much easier for me to refill the tea mug.

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306 tasting notes

The scent notes on this one are quite unexpected: rose, perfume, amber, green bean. It reminds me of some shampoos and lotions.

The taste is like… paper, with a hint of hay and malt. Very slight hint of ocean and on later steepings it actually tasted like the smell of amber. Strange.

It’s not bad tasting, but it is kind of bland to me. I feel rather unaffected by it. The perfumey notes are a bit much for me.

Flavors: Hay, Malt, Ocean Air, Paper

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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2816 tasting notes

Taking a break from “foam rolling” my rotator cuff in order to try a sample of this tea. I really do have a lot of physical therapy gadgets in my apartment now! Thanks for the sample Stacy.

So it seems like I have a fondness for Indian white teas, they somehow seem more flavorful than the Chinese ones. Is that a sacrilege? Compared to the Doke silver needle I had yesterday, the Glenburn seems both lighter and sweeter. I am really enjoying the fruity notes of this tea and am definitely getting the juicy pear. I bet this would be an amazing cold brew — anyone tried that yet? Other flavors I’m getting from this are nutty (mostly almond) and floral. I wouldn’t say I am getting buttery from it, but I have really enjoyed this a lot. It’s tasty! I think I will stick to white teas from India and Nepal as they are flavorful.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Foam rolling is one of those “hurts so good” type things. My husband is a personal trainer so I had to be the guinea pig while he was taking his classes.

A juicy pear tea sounds divine! I bet it would be good iced!


I’m still trying to figure out what I can do with the foam roller. It also feels good to put a golf ball in between you and the wall and roll it around :)

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95 tasting notes

Interesting white tea. The leaves are soft and velvety. Lightly astringent, vegetal, and fresh tasting. I’m a big fan of the Canteloupe and Cream white tea by Butiki but this is a nice straight white. Recommended steep time is way longer than I usually steep white teas though so I usually alter it to somewhere in between.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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30 tasting notes

The dry leaves smell lightly sweet and look absolutely beautiful. This tea is surprisingly sweet on its own with a light hay flavour along with some other flavour I can’t quite describe. Very tasty and soothing.

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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