Maple Pecan Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Nilgiri Frost Oolong, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Pecans
Pecan, Maple, Maple Syrup, Nutty, Butter, Cream, Creamy, Floral, Wood, Caramel, Yeasty, Pancake Syrup, Autumn Leaf Pile, Nuts, Sweet, Salty, Smooth, Citrus Fruits, Tangy, Mineral
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 10 oz / 290 ml

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224 Tasting Notes View all

  • “cough attention…SIPDOWN! 150! oh yeah baby! that’s right! woot woot! However, this will be short lived as i’m fairly certain there’s a package at the post office my other half is picking up for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Shocking…. another hit from Butiki! This tastes just like maple nut fudge. It’s even sweet and everything. I think I prefer Creamy Eggnog… but only by a smidge, because this is absolutely decadent....” Read full tasting note
  • “I just saw that Stacy already ran out of her new caramel vanilla assam and it wasn’t even online yet!!!!! Nooooo!! I want some so bad! Stacy – when will you have your next batch? Please save some...” Read full tasting note
  • “There’s never enough of this tea.. so hello Friday sales. No. 29. This guy comes out better when the temperature is exact but it doesn’t taste completely terrible if I miss the mark by a degree.....” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Maple Pecan Oolong utilizes our Nilgiri Frost Oolong base. This smooth, silky tea has maple notes that develop into pecan notes then finish with maple notes that linger. Some citrus notes may also be detected. The flavors weave together brilliantly and are well balanced with the oolong base. With a little sugar the maple and pecan intensify for a wonderful desert treat that resembles a pecan pie. We recommend adding sugar slowly; too much sugar and the tea will taste like exactly like fresh maple syrup with a hint of pecan.

Ingredients: Nilgiri Frost Oolong, Pecans, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 170 F degrees

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224 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

Mmm…..delicious! This tea is so calming and relaxing. Pecan notes are prevalent with that buttery, smooth, sweet maple. The oolong base was a wise choice for this tea.
Resteep at 4.5 minutes was still good, however, it did lose a lot of sweetness.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1113 tasting notes

I have lots of samples from various Steepsters I should be tasting, but I was really in the mood for this one this afternoon. It is really hitting the spot! It is rainy and a little chilly here, and this is just perfect! :)

Makes me want to make some maple pecan scones tonight, too…heh.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Mmmm, scones!

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171 tasting notes

I got this as a sample with my recent order and I have been dying to try it. The leaves have a very strong maple fragrance. The tea itself is more nutty than anything. I had high hopes for maple, but it’s still a great tea. Sweet and light!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

On closer inspection (my second steep) I realize I used boiling water. This is likely what altered the taste. In any case I enjoyed it so much I’m already planning another order around it, which may include a gaiwan.

Butiki Teas

Yipes, boiling water is a bit harsh with this tea. I did that once before. Its really easy to use boiling water since the leaves are dark like a black tea.


I didn’t even think twice about it. Which is weird, I even chuckled to myself when I found this sample in with my black tea samples. It was still really good though!

Butiki Teas

I’m glad it still came out good. :)


this one is already in my cart, it’s perfect for autumn :)


I love this tea. And I do not like oolongs. Mostly.

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1353 tasting notes

This is one that I asked specifically for when swapping with Scheherazade and I’m ever so pleased that she shared some with me. I’ve been very excited about this one. I tend to like nutty flavoured teas it seems. I had that hazelnut brittle that grew on me, and presently the almond flavoured tea that I have is very nice too. This isn’t something that I’ve really been conscious about before but nuts appear to attract me. This is rather strange, really, because I don’t much like eating nuts on their own. If they’re in food or cakes or something, I like them just fine. It’s a texture thing. A nut on its own feels to me like chewing on wood. And I never ever seem to be able to quite finish chewing. I have this same experience with raw carrot as well if it isn’t cut into smaller pieces.

And of course the maple did as well due to my well-known gravitation towards things that smell remotely like caramel.

(I think we can conclude here that, basically, I like sweeties.)

It smells very lovely of maple and also a good deal of nuts. It reminds me of hard caramel sweeties or brittle. Melted sugar. I’m a little concerned that it might be sickeningly sweet, but I believe the nuts might temper that.

Actually the very first flavour I get when sipping is that of the base oolong! It’s wood-y and roasted just how I prefer them. Following that is an even more wood-y flavour of nuts and then finally the maple on the aftertaste, mostly. I was expecting this to be totally the other way around. What a peculiar thing.

I thought I would enjoy it, and by being completely backwards it has actually managed to be even more enjoyable. What a lovely tea!


I was also expecting the sweetness when I first came across this tea, but like you, I was surprised. Butiki always amazes me.


Yes, it was like there was an initial disappointment, followed by a ‘heeeey waitaminute!’ experience. :)


Might you than try: Pleine Lune by Mariage Frères as this is almond flavored tea and the Tea Fairy did a review of this tea and its a puzzler; having the two comparisons might be interesting…almond to me adds a grainy texture, yet drying effect when swallowed to the teas; and so how do others put it? Can tea be grainy/dry and sweet all at the same time? these descriptors have been used.

I must also remember that you are comparing oolong tea, and Pleine Lune is a black Tea with Muslin tasting bits.

Anyhow, just a suggestion that is all. Happy Teas!


I can never stop chewing raw carrots either. It’s a really horrible texture/sensation.


seule771, Ooh, good suggestion! That sounds just like something for me. I want to make an MF order one day (perhaps in Our New Life, as we call it, I may even get around to doing it). I’ll make sure to include some Pleine Lune. I think I understand what you mean by grainy texture. I’ve never consciously noticed it myself, but I found myself nodding when I read what you wrote. :)

CHAroma, I know. It’s like eating wood. And the strange thing is, it doesn’t actually taste bad at all, it’s just… really hard work. :p

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421 tasting notes

I’m just back from World Tea East so you’ll be seeing quite a few tea reviews from that here and on the blog. But I also had the pleasure of meeting Stacy, owner of Butiki Teas there. She was even a sweetheart and brought me some samples. This one caught my eye when I openend her bag this afternoon. I love anything that has maple flavor to it and I really like oolongs. So I was hoping this would be as good as it sounded.

The dry leaf smells very much of maple and I loved the large pieces of pecan too. Yes I ate a piece too, yum! I followed the directions Stacy gave me which listed the temp for the water to be 170…I’ve always done mine higher, but I went with her suggestions. I waited the time suggested (4 minutes), removed my steeping basket, gave it a small hit of vanilla sugar, a stir and a first sip.

Let me back up a moment. The smell of the steeped leaves brings out a little bit of a citrus flavor that does play nice with the other flavors (to my surprise). Now to the first sip…wow! She mentioned it would taste a little like pecan pie, I’m not a fan of that, but if it tasted like this I could turn into one. Slightly sweet, with the citrus, plus the slightly maybe woodsy flavor of the oolong (odd maybe but that’s what I’m getting) and I am loving it.

I wish I was getting more from the pecans, but that is really my only complaint here.

Thank you very much for the sample!!

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Daisy Chubb

How exciting! I hope you had an awesome trip, I’ll definitely be stalking your reviews :)


I would love to have the opportunity to meet any of the owners of the online tea retailers with a presence here on Steepster, let alone meet the owner of Butiki Teas. Did you meet any other interesting people in the Tea World there?


I met John Harney and son Michael again, James Norwood Pratt, Jane Pettegrew and loads of company owners. It was good times.


Awesome. Would love to meet them all. Someday, perhaps.


Wow—that’s almost like meeting rock stars!

Butiki Teas

gmathis-Well, John Harney was singing. A song about Paris I believe. He is such a character and his son was nice enough to show me pictures from his trip to the Huangshan area.

Terri HarpLady

I still think we should have a Steepster convention!


Yes John Harney was singing I love Paris in the Springtime and a few other oldies…which was interesting and awesome at the same time! Michael Harney was good enough to share some of their super special tea with a few of us too. Wild times!

Butiki Teas

Yes, that was the song. I was trying to remember which song he was singing. I love the atmosphere and the people at the convention. Everyone is always in great spirits. It was interesting because the convention next to World Tea East had a completely different vibe.

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16950 tasting notes

There’s a very special place in my heart for Butiki’s oolongs. Definitely my favourite oolongs in general. This one? Heavenly. There’s not much else for me to say about it.

Flavors: Nuts

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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127 tasting notes

Sipdown on this one!
A little sad to see this go, but I have an order on the way from Butiki with a ton of new teas to try so I’m not too crushed! =)
Nice pecan-y flavors. Subtle, but delicious maple notes. See previous tasting notes for more in depth coverage of this tea.


mmm this is a nice winter/fall tea for me. I have some left but when it’s gone i won’t restock until later in the fall again.

Emily M

Agreed. Very good for cold weather. Most maple teas are like that for me. Once it starts getting warmer, I don’t crave them.


Love this one. I hope she’ll be keeping it around for next fall.


i’m sure she will, it’s a good one!

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292 tasting notes

This is seriously one of the most amazing things I’ve ever put in my mouth. And I’ve had some great things in my mouth before. But holy damn, this is really good tea.

This is on my reorder list, and I will be replenishing my supply soon. Until then, I will continue to ration this one, drinking it only when I need it. Like today, sigh.

4 min, 0 sec

Oh man…my mind lives in the gutter cause this tasting note just made me laugh…a lot ;)


Yeeeaaaaahhhhh :P

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1271 tasting notes

What, I never tried this tea? It got buried in my tin of teas I haven’t tried yet. /cry

DRY: Smells like mapley sweet and nutty. Lots of big hunks of nuts in this tea! Yum!

STEEPED: deep gold coloured tea with a maple sweet scent. Annoyingly my kettle doesn’t do 170f. It does 160f or 175f, so I did 175.

TASTE: Nutty and silky with a maple hint weaving through! I can pick out the pecan flavor. Very nice silky finish to this tea. The oolong base is great with this tea! The pecan and maple here is natural tasting, not artificial.

Sweetened, I got more pecan nuttyness and the maple comes out stronger. I let my cup get cold while watching BJJ videos and the tea was still very good. Both unsweetened and sweetened cups were good!

COMMENTS: Really delicious fall tea! I love the nuttyness of this tea – no funky or artificial tastes too! I quite like the base of this tea as well, I’m tempted to try Nilgiri Frost Oolong for my next order.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I drool every time I see a review of this one… really gotta drink tea faster to justify another Butiki order ASAP

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6444 tasting notes

The flavors are subtle but definitely present. Not in-your-face but the end note is all maple. Unfortunately getting to that point is a fair bit of oolong which more and more I realize I don’t really like. I can see how sugar could really make the flavors pop but as I am not in the practice of adding anything to my tea, I am left with a tea that I wish was just a tad bit sweeter and slightly bolder with the flavoring. Honestly I think it is my own personal preferences because I 100% can tell why this is so popular. However, with so many teas that I absolutely love I am finding it harder and harder to spend time drinking teas that are just alright/not for me. Nonetheless, thank you OMGsrsly for this sample. I got a bag in the BF sale as well and I think that might end up in my stash sale.

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I had a similar reaction to this one. I so badly wanted to enjoy it more than I did. But alas, there are plenty of other Butikis that are permanent fixtures in my cupboard.


I have come to realize that when I like a Butiki tea, I REALLY like it but otherwise I find myself wanting more.

Autistic Goblin

if oversteeped you get strong pecan flavour :D found that out by accident

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