Monsieur Lafleur 2022 Jingmai Raw Puer

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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2 Tasting Notes View all

From Bitterleaf Teas

Drinking this tea is floral equivalent of inhaling wasabi. We said floral though, so that means it’s a good thing, unless wasabi-burn is something you’re into (no judgement).

This tea is pure, unbridled Jingmai character: Floral, rough, and in your face. Using small tree material, this tea might lack the sophisticated mouthfeel and texture of gushu, but it makes up for it in terms of value and flavour.

This is the 4th and final year of this tea as we know it. While it may carry on in name, the material we’ve sourced for this tea is spoken for going forward. An increasingly common situation with small farmers in popular areas, this farmer has signed a contract with a much larger company. While we’ll seek out a suitable replacement for 2023, this will be the last production using the OG material.

Picking period: Pre-March 30

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2 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Grandpa Style!

It’s honestly hard for me to pin point a favourite year’s production of this tea as the quality of Bitterleaf’s Jingmai pu’erh is unwavering. With smooth and sweet notes of lilacs, parma violets, and other Spring time flowers it makes for such a cheerful and uplifting infusion. This brew style in particular also draws out fruitier undertones and a hint of garden peas, which is a lovely addition to the bouquet of flavours. I think the melting snow, gentle breeze, and sunny skies have me feeling optimistic Spring isn’t too far away, and sure that has a lot to do with why I pulled out this soft and floral sheng!

Tea Photo:

Song Pairing:

I’ve been OBSESSED with Andy Shauf’s new album – it’s not quite as good as Neon Skyline imo, but it comes damn close. There’s something about the way he writes everyday life that is so melancholic yet cozy – and just visceral imagery.

In his typical fashion, this is a concept album. Probably his darkest yet. Still, even though it’s got heavier vibes it makes for relaxing tea drinking music. I’ll probably be pairing it with a lot of teas in the weeks to come.

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