Swampthing Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Not available
Banana, Creamy, Grass, Lavender, Lime, Smooth, Sweet, Citrus Zest, Floral, Lemon, Umami
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
155 °F / 68 °C 8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “Geek Steep S2E11: The Saga Of The Swamp Thing This was my first pairing during my initial read through of the comic. Sure, picking a tea called “Swampthing Matcha” does seem like low hanging fruit,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar – Day 18 I’m up early this morning. I blame jet lag. At least it’s a reasonable time – sometimes after we get home from Europe, my boyfriend wakes up at...” Read full tasting note
  • “361/365 Made this one up as a shot, since I’m having a lot of success with that recently. It’s also quick and easy to prepare on a morning, which is when I tend to need matcha most! I’m not sure...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Swampy super-greens + spirulina with a twist of lime + lavender

A potion of weird & wonderful flavours, our lavender, lime and pear matcha will undoubtedly be a fave. Why ‘swampthing’? Not all magical things are unicorn shaped… This matcha resembles Shrek’s swamp water but don’t judge a brew by its colour! One cup packs double the antioxidants… with spirulina AND matcha!

Japanese matcha green tea, spirulina, nettle, natural lime & pear flavouring granules, lavender

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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5 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Geek Steep S2E11: The Saga Of The Swamp Thing

This was my first pairing during my initial read through of the comic. Sure, picking a tea called “Swampthing Matcha” does seem like low hanging fruit, but ever before I realized I owned a matcha with this name steeping (er, whisking) up a matcha was on my shortlist of ideas. That green chlorophyillic profile just seemed super appropriate!

This is a lavender and lime flavoured matcha that in general I just love. However, I realized pretty quickly into the comic that it wasn’t as perfectly paired as I wanted. The matcha and general green colour fit so well (especially as we began exploring the concept of “The Green World” within the comic) but the actual flavour was a little too bright and lively. I felt overall like I was having too much fun? And, like – fun is important when reading a comic and drinking tea! But, this was a more “whimsical fun” type of vibe which just didn’t suit the psychological horror genre and very grand writing style of Moore.

Thankfully it took more than one night to read through the comic so I got to get in a redo – tasting note for the redo to come next…

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwMQnXA1vo/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLlRQHcArbk&ab_channel=RareAmericans

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4330 tasting notes

Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar – Day 18

I’m up early this morning. I blame jet lag. At least it’s a reasonable time – sometimes after we get home from Europe, my boyfriend wakes up at 4-5:00 for a week, LOL! So 7:00 is perfectly reasonable as far as I’m concerned…

I’ve no idea why they called this one “swampthing”. Yes, it’s green, but matcha is normally green… I would expect brown with this name. (shrug) Prepared with 8 ounces of plain soy milk for 1 teaspoon of matcha.

This one is very lightly flavored, which surprised me. Upfront, I mostly taste the matcha, and its creamy and sweet flavor sort of reminds me of banana for some reason. There is some soft grassiness as well. The lime comes out in the middle and end of the sip, and it does taste of actual lime juice to me. The lavender is even lighter, and only detectable in the aftertaste for me. I don’t really get pear at all.

It’s good, I’m just surprised at how lightly flavored it is, even in comparison to their other citrus matchas. I’ll have to try this one with water next time.

From Bonne Maman, today it’s Raspberry-Redcurrant (Framboise-Groseille) spread. I had their strawberry-redcurrant version previously in the calendar, and commented that I’d like to see a plain redcurrant jam as I don’t really have a good idea of what redcurrant tastes like. This mostly tastes of raspberry, with perhaps just a touch of something extra. There’s also a little hint of floral at the end?

It’s extremely delicious, but I’m not sure I would know that it wasn’t just raspberry jam.

Flavors: Banana, Creamy, Grass, Lavender, Lime, Smooth, Sweet

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I love the name lol. Sounds delicious too. :)

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2238 tasting notes


Made this one up as a shot, since I’m having a lot of success with that recently. It’s also quick and easy to prepare on a morning, which is when I tend to need matcha most! I’m not sure why this is called swampthing – there’s certainly nothing particularly swampy about it, in terms of colour, scent, or taste. It’s described as lavender & lime, which gave me pause, but the initial flavour reminded me more of Skittles than anything. Or Starburst, maybe. The green ones, mostly, which would make sense, but not exclusively by any means. There’s a kind of tangy, fruity, sweetness that’s reminiscent of fruit flavoured candy generally – but I’m okay with that!

I get a lot of lime from this, in a tangy, candy-like sort of way. I don’t get much lavender at all, which is fine by me. The thought of floral matcha scares me a bit. I hadn’t expected to get along with this one, but it’s actually really nice. A good surprise, for once! This is another matcha I’d be happy to add to my morning repertoire – which, thanks to Bird & Blend and their sudden explosion of flavoured matcha releases – only seems to keep expanding!

Facebook reminded me this morning that today marks one year since I began my challenge. I’m happy that I haven’t slipped too much – only by 4 days or so, thanks to colds, new jobs, and general life stress. This year has gone so quickly, though! I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas already! Today is also my first work-at-home day, which I’m thoroughly appreciating. Peace, quiet, no commuting, no phones…I’m so glad I finally put the effort into changing job this year. My new one isn’t perfect, but it’s way better than my old one and I’m a lot happier for it. Hopefully next year will be an equally positive one!


What challenge are you celebrating? Congrats on the first day working at home! Peace and quiet are precious!


My 365 days of tea :)

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