One in a Melon

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Not available
Fruity, Pomegranate, Tart, Artificial, Candy, Dry Grass, Grass, Hay, Honeydew, Melon, Seaweed, Smooth, Strawberry, Sweet, Round, Fruit Punch, Butter, Pepper
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 5 min, 0 sec 4 g 16 oz / 475 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “From my first sip of this one, I was a little impressed. It’s deep and fruity, and the flavoring used isn’t the same sort you see again and again. It’s doing its own thing, which I appreciate. It’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “AJRimmer Advent Day 11 AJRimmer mentioned that she prefers this one cold, so I decided to cold brew it this morning and drank it this afternoon. It brewed up the most gorgeous ruby-red color…very...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a gift from Martin! Many thanks! Today I am decluttering my tea stash. A word to the wise – the more you tea-clutter the more you have to de-clutter. I am so mad at myself each time I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! (11 | 288) The B&B subscription for April made me a bit sad. They were all teas that sounded so good to me, and they were all disappointing. Womp womp… To be fair, this one is a fine...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

This tea is refreshing, juicy, lip-smackingly delicious & sweet just like a watermelon should be. Blended with peppercorns, freeze-dried strawberries & pomegranate flowers, it is truly one in a melon!

Chinese sencha green tea, black peppercorns, freeze-dried strawberry, pomegranate flowers, natural flavouring.

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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14 Tasting Notes

2586 tasting notes

From my first sip of this one, I was a little impressed. It’s deep and fruity, and the flavoring used isn’t the same sort you see again and again. It’s doing its own thing, which I appreciate. It’s also very forgiving of oversteeping. It doesn’t taste specifically like melon, more like tart red fruit, but I enjoyed it anyway.

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986 tasting notes

AJRimmer Advent Day 11

AJRimmer mentioned that she prefers this one cold, so I decided to cold brew it this morning and drank it this afternoon. It brewed up the most gorgeous ruby-red color…very Christmassy. :) The flavor really didn’t read melon for me. It was fruity, but also a bit tart. I was thinking cranberry, but reading the ingredients list, I think it was actually the pomegranate I was picking up on most strongly. I wish it had been more melon-like, as I haven’t ever had a good watermelon tea that I can remember. But it was still tasty!

Flavors: Fruity, Pomegranate, Tart

Iced 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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3496 tasting notes

This was a gift from Martin! Many thanks!

Today I am decluttering my tea stash. A word to the wise – the more you tea-clutter the more you have to de-clutter.

I am so mad at myself each time I uncover a really nice tea that I have neglected or forgotten. As I dug through my multiple boxes if samples, swaps, and gifts, I found this one.

To be honest, I do not love peppercorns in tea. A little bit is okay, and fortunately it is usually easy enough to pick out, and that’s what I did. I made a small pot of this for afternoon outside sipping and found about six peppercorns in what I scooped out.

The end result is quite pleasant! This is a very pleasant tasting sencha. The aroma is definitely watermelon but the taste is more of a melon mix to me, maybe some honeydew with a touch of pomegranate.

All in all, this is really nice and I will enjoy sipping it down!

Thank you, Martin!

Martin Bednář

Well, I haven’t remembered sending you a pouch of this. But then, I realised I truly did.

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4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (11 | 288)

The B&B subscription for April made me a bit sad. They were all teas that sounded so good to me, and they were all disappointing. Womp womp…

To be fair, this one is a fine tea. It’s inoffensive. There’s a light honeydew melon taste and also a light strawberry candy taste. The base tea tastes like dry grass, as is common for Chinese sencha, and occasionally I get a hint of seaweed from it. It’s not bad, it’s all just a bit ho hum for me… I need a bit more from the fruit flavors I think, and some tartness from the strawberry would be welcome as it’s a bit generically sweet and candyish for me.

Luckily for me, I happen to have a strawberry and melon green tea from Dammann that I really like, so I’m not too upset to not love this one. :)

Flavors: Artificial, Candy, Dry Grass, Grass, Hay, Honeydew, Melon, Seaweed, Smooth, Strawberry, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1324 tasting notes

Discovery Advent Tea #13
oooo Strawberries. Sencha. Yes please. And not only does it look good but it tastes good too. Good fresh flavor, not artificial.

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2063 tasting notes

Prepared hot unlike the others; two teaspoons, hot, but not boiling, water.

Straweberries and pomergranate → melon? Well, yes, a bit I think!

The tea was nicely grassy, noticed quite strawberries and even the melon flavours. They weren’t super pronounced, but they were there.

Actually it was very tasty and nice for, this time exceptional, weather. We had small thunderstorm around the noon, but in the afternoon the skies cleared and was nice weather to have coffee/tea outside on the porch.

Flavors: Grass, Melon, Strawberry

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

Hooray for nice weather!

White Antlers

I do love a good summer thunderstorm, but where I live, it just gets more sticky humid after the rain. We’re hunkering down here for a heat wave, so Martin, enjoy your lovely weather for an over heated soul in the U.S.

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1267 tasting notes

A Berry Frui-tea July! I got a sample of this from a cupboard sale from tea-sipper and this heatwave seems the perfect time to cold brew up a batch (this constant weather over 90 degrees is getting really old).

The dry leaf has a noticable melon aroma, but is also quite fruity and sweet. The brewed tea smells much the same, like fruity berries, melon, and sweet. The tea is naturally sweet, and tastes just like one of the Starbursts that is in the berry medly assortment, though trying to pinpoint which one would be a bit hard… perhaps a cross of the strawberry and the watermelon? I’m getting both melon and berry notes, but it has a sort of candy-like sweetness to the over-all flavor which is reminding my palate of those Starbursts. It’s quite refreshing and does make me think a little of a fruit punch from the flavor, except the mouthfeel is much lighter and silkier, thanks to the smooth sencha base.

It’s a very enjoyable iced tea, with quite a unique flavor. I was pretty surprised with this one.

Flavors: Candy, Fruit Punch, Melon, Strawberry, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more 5 g 32 OZ / 946 ML

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6444 tasting notes

I cold brewed this and it tastes like watermelon that somehow seamlessly transitions to the white tea base. I both really enjoy it and don’t love it at the same time. Actually, the more I drink, the more I get soapy white tea. So, not my fave.

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4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: Bought more of this during the sale so I had to enjoy some on one of the last hot days of the year. And today might be it for the hot! I would definitely say this isn’t exactly melon, though it does have a unique sweet flavor to it. The original sencha base was stunningly buttery, with this harvest, the base seems to get lost. The flavors just seemed stronger before, including the pepper. I wonder if B&B even makes fresh blends for the sale teas? Or are they back stocked teas, which would be why they are on sale? (But why would they make fresh teas just to sell them cheaper? hmm.) Today I’ll be drinking Nearly Nirvana.

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15575 tasting notes

this tea is confusing to me. Not sure how strawberry and peppercorns are supposed to make me feel melon. It’s not what i was expecting for sure. first, the base green tea comes through really strong, which for me, isn’t a plus as i’m not a huge fan of green teas. Then in terms of flavour there sort of a generic flavour that is pulling things together without being a specific taste that i can place. And finally i get hints of strawberry. Overall, not what i was expecting of a MELON tea :(

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