Deep Breaths (formerly Liquor-licious/Pandalicious Liquorice)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Ginger, Licorice Root, Peppermint
Hay, Honey, Licorice, Peppermint, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 14 oz / 414 ml

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  • “Had this sample from bluebird last night. It was pretty good. It kind of reminded me of mother’s little helper. The peppermint definitely dominated, but it was also soothing (maybe due to the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was on the fence about this one last time I tried it, which makes sense to me since liquorice root is basically my nemesis. For the record, I didn’t buy this bag (and it’s a big ‘un – 50g!) I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was in my caffeine free advent calendar last night. I was surprised I liked it. Chamomile is not a fave. It brewed up very pale, so much so that I let it steep a minute longer than I normally...” Read full tasting note
  • “B&B Advent 2021 Day 18 (caffeine-free) I was thinking this would just be a chamomile tea when I opened it and that was all I smelled and most of what I saw — which would’ve been fine. The...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

I’ve had a name change, I used to be called: Liquor-licious Liquorice Tea

All the super herbs you need in this cleansing, soothing & naturally decaf tea blend. Big chunks of ginger, fresh cut peppermint leaves & whole camomile flowers have a cleansing & calming effect, suitable any time of day!

Ingredients: Chamomile, Liquorice Root, Ginger, Peppermint

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

Company description not available.

11 Tasting Notes

818 tasting notes

Had this sample from bluebird last night. It was pretty good. It kind of reminded me of mother’s little helper. The peppermint definitely dominated, but it was also soothing (maybe due to the chamomile?) I haven’t had straight chamomile tea, so I’m not sure. I would have liked a little more liquorice flavor, though. Overall, It’s a good night-time tea.

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2238 tasting notes

I was on the fence about this one last time I tried it, which makes sense to me since liquorice root is basically my nemesis. For the record, I didn’t buy this bag (and it’s a big ‘un – 50g!) I _wouldn’t_ buy a bag of tea this big when the word “liquorice” is right there in the name. No. It was a gift. Because it’s the thought that counts, I’m going to give this one another go. It’s been sitting in my cupboard for nearly a year now, so it’s definitely time.

On opening the bag, I was pretty pleased to see a lot of chamomile. And I mean a lot. Like, loads. Whole flowers, too. There’s also a significant amount of peppermint. And then there are the cubes of liquorice root, but the less said about those the better. It smells nice – like chamomile and mint. Sweet, creamy, like a candy cane. I know what you’re thinking – how seasonally appropriate!

To taste, it’s actually okay. The liquorice is very much in the background, and the main flavours are chamomile (honey, hay, sweet), and mint (cooling, refreshing). I can taste a sticky sweetness at the back of my throat, and it builds with successive sips, but at least it’s not too apparent overall. Still, not a favourite. I’ve left my rating as it was, because it reflects pretty accurately how I feel about this one. I don’t mind chamomile and mint, but I’d like it a lot more without the liquorice.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

It’s just the worst flavour.

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768 tasting notes

This was in my caffeine free advent calendar last night. I was surprised I liked it. Chamomile is not a fave. It brewed up very pale, so much so that I let it steep a minute longer than I normally would. The flavor was oddly sweet, but not fake sweet like from stevia. I don’t have a sense of smell, so I don’t taste much, but I could swear that sweetness tasted like black licorice. There is no list of ingredients with this advent calendar, only a brief description. I come here and see it was previously named Liquor-licious. Ah-ha!
I don’t plan on ordering 50 grams of this, but I am quite happy with it. And quite pleased with myself for identifying an actual flavor!

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1400 tasting notes

B&B Advent 2021 Day 18 (caffeine-free)

I was thinking this would just be a chamomile tea when I opened it and that was all I smelled and most of what I saw — which would’ve been fine. The initial taste is chamomile, but then the liquorice kicks in. The taste is so weirdly sweet, I almost thought there was also spearmint. I love a liquorice candy, but I don’t love it in tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

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4337 tasting notes

A sample from B&B, thank you!  I never really wanted to try this one, the ingredients don’t thrill my particular tastebuds:  chamomile, ginger, licorice root, peppermint.  I just don’t really gravitate to the first three ingredients, especially ginger and licorice root.  But the overall flavor isn’t bad.  The first steep tastes of noticeable licorice root.  The second steep is surprisingly sweet and somehow almost tasted like lavender.  Maybe I just expect lavender to be in a blend like this at this point. I will say the filled teabag definitely had more than a teaspoon of tea in there, which I can appreciate.  This isn’t bad.. it’s an agreeable nighttime blend… but there are other types of blends like this that I like more, that don’t contain ginger or licorice root.
2021 sipdowns: 122

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2587 tasting notes

Oh boy, placing my Boxing Day order on B&B’s overburdened website late last night was a nightmare, as is tradition.

This was a free sample from my summer order. It doesn’t need any sugar due to the natural sweetness of the licorice. I enjoy licorice teas, and this one is pretty good. Not much to say about it since it doesn’t distinguish itself too much from others. I’ll say it’s not an overbearing amount of licorice. It’s pleasant as a nice cold cup. I might like regular grocery store versions a little more, so I’d probably choose them first, especially since they’re much cheaper.


I stayed up to catch it, but was disappointed sadly. It was my first year checking it out, but I thought maybe some of their regular teas would go on sale — my mistake!


Yeah I only got three on sale items and a bunch of regular priced things to take advantage of free shipping.

Martin Bednář

I got three teas I didn’t knew they carry and sounded nice; and I took one tea bag box for my Swiss friend as a surprise :)


Good call! Which teas did you end up getting AJRimmer and Martin? My cart was already over the free shipping threshold haha! I just decided to wait and get it later.

Martin Bednář

Favourite Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, Mint Pistachio as I like pistachios and Banana Bread Chai as it just sounded good.

Ah, I forgot: I took one not in sale, called simply “Relax”. Hopefully it will calm me down in upcoming year :)


Sweet n salty popcorn, hibiscus mint, and figgy pud from the sale! There are a few blends I’m waiting to purchase until a different time as well – showing restraint yay!

Mastress Alita

There is no way I can stay up late enough to get to the sale before most of the items are already sold out. I checked this morning, and as is tradition for me, it was mostly gutted. But sometimes I grab “non sale” items while the shipping is free (since it is only free International Shipping twice a year) and this time I just got the Cherry Cola tea.

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1780 tasting notes

Looks like this tea got a name makeover! I wonder why. At first it seems like another chamomile tisane, but the more I sip, the more I appreciate it. The sip is dominated by chamomile, then licorice comes in with a hint of sweetness, then the mint and they all dance together. I like this more than I initially thought I would.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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48 tasting notes

I’m sipping on this right now. It’s been a while since I tried it. In fact, I may have only had this the once, and that was probably on the day it landed through my letterbox. I seem to have accumulated a whole bunch of liquorice based teas since I purchased this one and I think maybe it’s accidentally become overlooked.

But this is really nice. In the packet I get mostly chamomile, with the hint that both liquorice and peppermint are lurking around, just waiting to pounce. Once brewed, the competition is on! There’s a strong aroma of chamomile to begin with… but no, wait, now I can mostly smell liquorice… no, hang on, it’s all peppermint. Seriously, all three ingredients battle for top spot, and it’s no different when I taste it.

I get a hay-like, honey taste from the chamomile, swiftly followed by a sweet tang from the liquorice, and then I’m left with a tingly, mintyness on my tongue. I should definitely drink this more often. Especially in the evenings – the chamomile is certainly relaxing me.

Flavors: Hay, Honey, Licorice, Peppermint, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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1379 tasting notes

Once steeped it bares a mint and chamomile scent with no licorice to speak of.

The first few sip reveal a sweet and refreshing peppermint flavour that fills my mouth and softens into a mild (and I stress mild) yet very refreshing licorice flavour. In fact there is more refreshing factor of the licorice than actual licorice flavour. Like when someone walks down the hall and you didn’t see them but you can smell their perfume lingering near by. It’s actually a sigh of relief for me that it’s not too licorice thick or heavy, more of an after taste.

It sort of tastes like I’m chewing gum and sipping chamomile tea. I can’t say if that is good or bad really, just unusual, but that is what it reminds me of.

As it cools the mint becomes a little stronger and the refreshing aftertaste slightly weaker, or well at least my mouth has adapted for it so it’s not as noticeable. So really after a while it’s a creamy peppermint with a slight herbal finish. Now it’s minty enough to be like candy cane.

I could finish this cup but I don’t think this blend is for me. It was nicer than I expected being only mild on the licorice side but it was refreshing enough to be a little off putting. Again I stress that’s because I hate licorice. If you happen to love chamomile, peppermint and licorice then this is probably something you should look up.

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