So this one is quite Uncommon and interesting…
I’m not sure what to think of Civil Disobedience really I was kinda shocked at the way it tastes…
There is this sore throat spray out there called Chloraseptic, I’m not sure all of you have heard of it before but thats what this tea taste like to me in too many ways.
Really no joke on the very first sip (straight no suga) alls I could taste was straight up Chloraseptic. Interesting because I was actually thinking yuck at first but I couldn’t stop sipping on it for some reason.
Anyways I had to add a little suga to this one because of the medicine taste, and it was a little better, still taste throat spray bit also a smokey tea in there somewhere, a little astringent with some leathery notes. The medicine taste isnt yucky as some medicinal tasting teas but it is still quite bold.
With sugar it actually kinda taste like some type of old fashioned herbal candy or cough drop that you find in an old country store down south, pretty damned good!
With milk it is reminiscent of a chai in some ways I guess it could pass as a mild chai type spiced tea, very smooth and creamy and no astringent but still a strong taste of the throat spray lol
Somehow even tho it really does taste like Chloraseptic it is really tastey, delicious even. Good Tea but the throat spay part is super hard to ignore, I think that taste is from the cardamom or cardamom oil tho So I think I could dig this one, I’d have to think of it as some type of chai I think.
But Really Chloraseptic lol
Flavors: Astringent, Herbaceous, Leather, Medicinal, Smoke