“A.C. Perch 2022 Advent Day 14: Organic Green Kukicha This was lovely. Equally toasty and green tea. This was a nicely balanced and smooth cup.” Read full tasting note
Organic Kukicha is a Japanese green tea based on four kinds of stems and twigs from Camellia Sinensis and Japonica bushes.
Kukicha is the most commonly used tea in the macrobiotic diet, a diet based on foods described in Zen Buddhism.
The diet tries to balance the supposed yin and yang elements of the food.
Organic Kukicha has a mild nut-like and slightly creamy taste.
Up to 3 extractions can be made on this tea.
First extraction: 70 and 80°C water / 1 minute.
Second and third extraction: 70 and 80°C water / 2 minutes.
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