Sample Sipdown! (52)
Continuing with more AQ2T samples! This one is a bai mudan with cherry and apple. I certainly wouldn’t think of those flavors in reference to Wisconsin, but I admit to being woefully ignorant on the subject.
I agree with Kittenna that this has some nice melon notes. I assume they’re coming from the base tea, since melon isn’t mentioned in the description. The white tea is light with characteristic oat-y flavor and a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. There’s also a bit of cucumber alongside the cantaloupe notes.
I am not a fan of the added flavoring though. I have the same issue with it that I do with Paris from Harney & Sons – it tastes a bit chalky and reminds me of mixed berry Tums chewables. I’m not sure why I always have this odd reaction to berry flavoring… It’s unfortunate because I really do like the concept of this tea.
I think I’ll withhold a rating, because I seem to have a strange reaction and association when it comes to certain berry flavorings…
Flavors: Apple, Artificial, Berry, Cantaloupe, Creamy, Cucumber, Hay, Oats, Smooth, Sweet
I wasn’t crazy, tasting melon! The thought crossed my mind that the tea had been contaminated, but usually contamination isn’t so persistent and delicious. Haha. And cherry makes sense (I didn’t read the description when I wrote the note, silly me).