Once again, I’m late to the party. This time for National Junk Food Day, which was nearly a full week ago! Took some time off work, didn’t look at my calendar, and missed it entirely. But here I am, squeezing it in before the end of the month with a cookie tea. I’ll admit that my favorite junk food would be something salty. I love Cheez-Its or some Lays Classic chips. Didn’t really want to go looking for a salty tea (though I probably have something that would have worked in there), so I decided to go the sweet route with some molasses cookies. Now, this is an old tea, one of the older ones in my cupboard, and I don’t remember at all what it tasted like fresh. Now, it’s simply a nice honeybush. That’s my own fault. I’m sure at one point it tasted like molasses, spices, or cookies (maybe, hopefully, all three), but I left a single serving in the pouch and now it’s just honeybush. I’m guessing I must have liked it, because I saved that single serving. Why do I do that to myself?