Got a sample of this recently. I love a good golden yunnan tea so this one is described as great for fans of that. I had to try this one.
The leaf is beautiful, curled up firmly and black/gold in color. It’s mostly golden brown that shows just like in the photo. I steeped 3 min and the aroma is distinctive and wonderful. Some teas don’t have a pleasant aroma but this one does, reminding me of baked sweet potato.
The brew is a dark golden honey color. The leaf unfurls and becomes straight and narrow leaves. The flavor is like the golden yunnan tea. It’s a vibrant flavor or multiple notes, sweet potato, brown sugar, caramel come to mind. It’s really good and I will have to add some to my next order.
…I think if you would keep the steeping time shorter the sweetness would come out even more intense. Are you doing multiple infusions or you stay with one…love your review. Need to get my hands on a golden yunnan ASAP…
I did two steeps so far. The second was just as good, a tad lighter as you might expect. Keemun have you had this one? I’ll have to try a shorter steep however the sweetness was great with 3 minutes.
Yes Auggy I noticed that about your review of the Golden Bud review you did. Interesting. I love baked sweet potatos with butter on them and this tea strangely reminds me of that flavor a lot. Sounds like that one you had is very similar. I wonder how they compare.
…had a Golden Yunnan two years ago. Was quite good. But not as sweet and caramel-like as you describe it…more tobacco,earthy tasting… pu-erh.
Surprisingly smooth as I remember…but very dark in color. Strong fragrance.
That doesn’t sound like a Golden Yunnan. Yunnan tea is used to make Pu-erh but aged in the earth. A good GY will not be earthy or tobacco-y (but then I don’t smoke so how would i know.) Get a good GY and you will love it. One of my faves is Emporer’s Gold from Tao of Tea. But I’m finding others that rank high on my list of GY teas.
…I think if you would keep the steeping time shorter the sweetness would come out even more intense. Are you doing multiple infusions or you stay with one…love your review. Need to get my hands on a golden yunnan ASAP…
I just had some with the same notes – sweet potato and sugar. So good!
I did two steeps so far. The second was just as good, a tad lighter as you might expect. Keemun have you had this one? I’ll have to try a shorter steep however the sweetness was great with 3 minutes.
Yes Auggy I noticed that about your review of the Golden Bud review you did. Interesting. I love baked sweet potatos with butter on them and this tea strangely reminds me of that flavor a lot. Sounds like that one you had is very similar. I wonder how they compare.
…had a Golden Yunnan two years ago. Was quite good. But not as sweet and caramel-like as you describe it…more tobacco,earthy tasting… pu-erh.
Surprisingly smooth as I remember…but very dark in color. Strong fragrance.
That doesn’t sound like a Golden Yunnan. Yunnan tea is used to make Pu-erh but aged in the earth. A good GY will not be earthy or tobacco-y (but then I don’t smoke so how would i know.) Get a good GY and you will love it. One of my faves is Emporer’s Gold from Tao of Tea. But I’m finding others that rank high on my list of GY teas.