Tea Mishap #1 for today
Sipdown #3 for the day
Here’s what happened…
I went to open this little gem and the whole batch I had left fell into my strainer…so…I left it there and decided to infuse the whole big batch of loose leaf! I’m used to doing double shots but this was over a triple shot! I decided I was GAME for it tho! I only infused for a minute because there was so much loose leaf infusing…I didn’t want it to be bitter…and it wasn’t bitter at all! The chocolate and chili are perfect together even in a triple shot case (as long as you don’t over infuse). So – this seems to work!
I might try and do a 2nd infusion before saying goodbye completely as I see some chocolate left in my strainer unmelted…we can’t have that! LOL
I’m really trying to SIPDOWN and de-cupboard as much as possible as I have well over 600 different teas in my stash. So…I thought I would try something…For each person to comment on this specific tea log entry I will send a business size envelop of samples…up to 5 samples at random from my stash. If you are interested in a larger swap please PM me with BIGGER SWAP in the subject line and I will try and swap with up to 10 people LARGER Mystery Boxes.
So…yeah…I mean business! LOL – Let the games BEGIN!
Over 600 teas? OMG! I always feel a little overwhelmed when I get in the 100s – I can’t imagine six times that!
Oooh… Can I play? I am far away, but my brother is in the US and he would be happy to bring me the samples when he comes in december!
Oh…I debated about whether or not to comment…but after finishing the last of a few of my favorite teas this week, I’m feeling a bit lost so I would like some samples :)
On a side note – stash pics?
Ninavampi! I sent you a PM and Meeka I will send you one after hitting POST COMMENT on this one :)
I have 6 stashes between home and work…I have tea EVERYWHERE! LOL
I have so many samples I don’t know what to do with them, but how can I pass up free tea? The answer is that I can’t, heh. I’d love some samples!
How do you feel about sampling to Canada? If you’re down, I’m down! I bought LiberTeas famed box of tea goodies on Teatra.de recently and realized that I love having tonnes of tea options!! Also, next time my family says I have too much tea, I might use the defense that at least I don’t have 600 kinds. Yet! : )
Oh how fun! I would love some samples!
just dropped you a PM :)
me too. why not!
Over 600 teas? OMG! I always feel a little overwhelmed when I get in the 100s – I can’t imagine six times that!
sent Amy a note…Auggy send me your addy via PM or email again and I will start a box for ya!
Oooh… Can I play? I am far away, but my brother is in the US and he would be happy to bring me the samples when he comes in december!
Oh…I debated about whether or not to comment…but after finishing the last of a few of my favorite teas this week, I’m feeling a bit lost so I would like some samples :)
On a side note – stash pics?
Ninavampi! I sent you a PM and Meeka I will send you one after hitting POST COMMENT on this one :)
I have 6 stashes between home and work…I have tea EVERYWHERE! LOL
I have so many samples I don’t know what to do with them, but how can I pass up free tea? The answer is that I can’t, heh. I’d love some samples!
droppin’ you a note now Dinosara!
That’s so great of you to offer! I would love some samples.
How do you feel about sampling to Canada? If you’re down, I’m down! I bought LiberTeas famed box of tea goodies on Teatra.de recently and realized that I love having tonnes of tea options!! Also, next time my family says I have too much tea, I might use the defense that at least I don’t have 600 kinds. Yet! : )
Jessie & Uniquity – Canada-Shippings are cool with me! :)
What a fantastic gesture! I would love some samples. I’m game for anything.
600 teas? That explains all the tasting notes. If you are still offering I am interested.
Sent up thru K S
So much tea! If this is still a go, I am interested in new things!