Well, now that I have prepared this correctly I must say it’s a very good tasting iced tea and a very sweet and healthy green tea. It’s very, very green in color…almost like a wheat grass health-juice looking thing. It’s very refreshing but at the same time the peach it’s very strong. It’s very green tea tasting and VERY very light on the peach…I would have loved some more peach flavor but this will certainly do for a pleasant taste and the yummy factor is there.
There is NO WHERE locally to buy stuff like that near me! LOL – I’d have to wait a very long time to have my next tea…lol…BUT…I’m pondering my next cup…celebration time is almost here!!!! YAY!
Psss… TeaEqualsBlis… ONE!!!!!!! hehe;)
OMG! The moment has arrived. Pins and needles everyone. :-)
lolololol…so close…yet so far away!!!
You should go out and by a Breville and make your next cuppa in that.=D
There is NO WHERE locally to buy stuff like that near me! LOL – I’d have to wait a very long time to have my next tea…lol…BUT…I’m pondering my next cup…celebration time is almost here!!!! YAY!
There’s always the randomizer