I received a sample to review and I must say I am looking forward to it, of course!!!
The tins and labels are lovely!
This particular blend is very aromatic and I can clearly see all of the ingredients. I must say I am picking up the scent of the ‘Tropics’ more than the floral prior to infusion BUT these roses are HUGE!!!!!
Almost done with the infusion and YES! I can smell the ROSES more as the infusion progresses! I would say equal sniffs of tropics and roses at this point!
Post infusion the liquid is alight brown and the post infusion scent is a tad more rose than tropics! Very neat scent!
The taste is HIGHLY rose with a fair amount of tropical taste to it as well. The Rooibos taste almost seems barely there which I find fascinating! It seems ANY Rooibos I have EVER had you can ALWAYS tell it’s a Rooibos! This…the taste of the rooibos is there but very much in the background. I would HIGHLY suggest this for people who have had not-so-good experiences with Rooibos in the past…but…I have to say it’s a highly florally-tasting flavor. I think the Rooibos does give it a tad of sweetness – possibly chopping off any weird floral after taste one may receive in other floral blends…if you know what I mean!
I’m being completely honest when I say…
Normally if I were to walk into a store and see these flavors on the shelf I might pass it up…but…I’m SO GLAD I was able to try this!!!! This is certainly something beautiful and rare and bold and unique! I really like it! It just goes to show you that you have to TRY NEW THINGS! If you don’t you might miss out on something wonderful!
Okay…it DOES have a bit of an after taste…but nothing I can’t deal with…it ends a little sweeter tho…
Thanks again for your review! And I do agree.. trying new things opens up opportunities for the wonderful! I did debate on using just the rose petals. Always room for improvement :) .. but those whole roses are just so lovely to look at! ;) Cheers!
Okay…it DOES have a bit of an after taste…but nothing I can’t deal with…it ends a little sweeter tho…
Thanks again for your review! And I do agree.. trying new things opens up opportunities for the wonderful! I did debate on using just the rose petals. Always room for improvement :) .. but those whole roses are just so lovely to look at! ;) Cheers!
da.u.de – They sure do catch your eye!!!
Wow, I so want this. Silver Needle AND green rooibos are – like – my top two favorite teas/tisanes.