I don’t want to GIVE AWAY my review…but…
I have been looking for a Lapsong Souchong JUST LIKE THIS! I FINALLY FOUND IT! Woot! Woot! Woot!!!!
I was looking for something with the strong smokey scent and was smoky to taste but didn’t have a funky after taste or too over the top while actually drinking it. I was also looking for one that didn’t taste like wood and was smooth. This is it! This just seems to have EVERYTHING I have been looking for in a smoky tea. I’m shocked…SHOCKED!!!!
Now…if you are one of those people who are the “more smokey tasting the better” this might not be strong enough in taste for you. At least the way I did it which was 1 to 1 and a half Tablespoons of loose leaf in 12-ounces of 190-200 degree water for 5 minutes.
Now that I know I like this I will tinker with amounts and infusion lengths.
I’m so happy now I could do the funky chicken!
Omg! I laughed so hard even though I only made it into less than 30 seconds of that video. When the guitarist flicks his hair as he’s rockin’ out on the acoustic? ROFLMAO! I’ll have to try watching it again a little later. ::wipes tears from eyes::
Just added this tea to the list. I think we all need to have a tea that makes us wanna do the funky chicken! :D
LOL I loved that song back in the day. When I clicked on your link and it went to that I cracked up!
I am so happy to find someone who also loves this tea. I first was introduced to this tea by a friend who left a one pound tin in my place and when it was finally empty I couldn’t find another one any where, couldn’t find Mark T. Wendell, there was no internet and I went into mourning. I am so happy to now have a regular supply.
Personally, can’t agree with you…too smokey for me. I find their Victorian Afternoon more balanced.
I’ll have to try that one, too!!!
Omg! I laughed so hard even though I only made it into less than 30 seconds of that video. When the guitarist flicks his hair as he’s rockin’ out on the acoustic? ROFLMAO! I’ll have to try watching it again a little later. ::wipes tears from eyes::
Just added this tea to the list. I think we all need to have a tea that makes us wanna do the funky chicken! :D
LOL I loved that song back in the day. When I clicked on your link and it went to that I cracked up!
Glad I could assist with some comic relief on this wonderful FRIDAY!!!!
No not the funky chicken LOL
I know exactly what you mean. This stuff is unbelievable!
I am so happy to find someone who also loves this tea. I first was introduced to this tea by a friend who left a one pound tin in my place and when it was finally empty I couldn’t find another one any where, couldn’t find Mark T. Wendell, there was no internet and I went into mourning. I am so happy to now have a regular supply.
I agree with your review all the way. This was my absolute favorite Lapsang.