MuppetLove sent me some of this! Thanks so much!!! I received a random note from someone who doesn’t post reviews or anything why I don’t bold my thank-you’s like everyone else does. Well, no real reason…I guess I was just lazy! LOL – So…I will REALLY try to do that from now on :)
Everyone has an English Breakfast…or nearly everyone :) Here are my quick findings on this one…
There is a very slight hint of bakey aroma to this one post infusion. The flavor on the tongue is SUPER Strong and I like that. Of course, I usually add MORE loose leaf at a less infusion length for many of my black teas because I want it stronger…so…this is WAY strong :) YAY!
It leaves a little bit of a funky aftertaste – but nothing I can’t handle.
Oh wow, the same reason I bold mine – no reason at all! Because I like to play with formatting! Maybe I won’t bold mine from now on.. a strike. lol! How silly!
LOL wow what an odd thing to ask out of the blue like that.
Oh wow, the same reason I bold mine – no reason at all! Because I like to play with formatting! Maybe I won’t bold mine from now on.. a strike. lol! How silly!
haha…I get LOTS of weird notes about my activities on steepster :)