English Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Little Yellow Teapot
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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2 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

MuppetLove sent me some of this! Thanks so much!!! I received a random note from someone who doesn’t post reviews or anything why I don’t bold my thank-you’s like everyone else does. Well, no real reason…I guess I was just lazy! LOL – So…I will REALLY try to do that from now on :)

Everyone has an English Breakfast…or nearly everyone :) Here are my quick findings on this one…

There is a very slight hint of bakey aroma to this one post infusion. The flavor on the tongue is SUPER Strong and I like that. Of course, I usually add MORE loose leaf at a less infusion length for many of my black teas because I want it stronger…so…this is WAY strong :) YAY!

It leaves a little bit of a funky aftertaste – but nothing I can’t handle.


LOL wow what an odd thing to ask out of the blue like that.

Daisy Chubb

Oh wow, the same reason I bold mine – no reason at all! Because I like to play with formatting! Maybe I won’t bold mine from now on.. a strike. lol! How silly!


haha…I get LOTS of weird notes about my activities on steepster :)

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4336 tasting notes

I needed some black tea this morning! I’m realizing I don’t have many strong, deep flavored black teas in my stash. Zentealife.com’s Phoenix Pearls are an example, but I can’t drink those everyday… I’ll feel spoiled! But those have the flavor profile I’m talking about. Something like the Della Terra black teas have a great base for the awesome DT flavors, but not enough kick that will wake me up. The leaves here are medium sized, dark and dusty. The brew color is deep and dark. I haven’t had many “English breakfasts” so I’m not sure what to compare this to. The flavor is a bit sweet, punchy, spikey, tougher. I love the fragrance. As it cools, there is something marshmallowy about it. But that may be because I was sipping it with some sweet potato pie.. but that didn’t have any marshmallow on it! The next cup will be my last so consider this an advanced sipdown!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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