My teeeeeeeeaaaaaaa haaaaaaassssssss arriiiiiiiiived! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Thank you Angel for these generous samples! All greens, and I wasn’t sure where to start, so I just picked one and went with it.
The smell of green tea usually bothers me. It always smells vegetal and I honestly don’t like that smell much. The scent was stronger steeping than it was dry, but I reminded myself that the scent doesn’t always mean that it will taste that way—and it didn’t!
I’m sipping it now as I type, actually, to ensure the flavours and feelings stay in my head. It does have a touch of the vegetal taste, but not the way the scent suggested. It is sweet and floral, and has a nutty taste—not too strong, and not bitter in any way. There is also a buttery mouth feel, and, since I added cream, it has a creamy taste and I love it.
It’s very light and yummy, and I’m really enjoying this. I have one more cupful in my teapot, so I’m off to finish this!
Second Cup Update
For my second cup I used less sugar and cream, and I just wanted to note that the nutty flavour is much more apparent now. I still love it, which surprises me, because “earthy” flavours usually are not my favourite. This tea is so good, it makes me so happy!
Flavors: Butter, Floral, Grass, Nutty, Sweet, Vegetal