4337 Tasting Notes
From Daylon R Thomas a while ago! Thank you! I’m surprised at the lightness of the flavor here, as I thought Daylon mainly wanted to pass a bunch of strong teas along. This one is incredibly light. To be fair, I did NOT follow instructions as the pouch says to use FOUR teaspoons for eight ounces of water. Yowza. I went with two heaping teaspoons. Both steeps tasted the same… not really distinct flavor notes that I could find… maybe honey sweet. So I suppose I will have to try using four teaspoons the next time.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minute steep
This was what I chose as a sample with my small order — thanks, New Mexico Tea Co! I’m always looking for great white teas… it’s always good to have a handful of those in the collection. I LOVED the name of this one, and the image on the pouch was perfect for it too. I had three great steeps with this one — it started a little like creamed corn. Then steeps two and three could have fooled me in a blind test… it was like drinking two cups of milk. Surprisingly, despite the hairy inspired name of this tea, trichomes didn’t really make themselves apparent here. I’m surprised how delicate the flavor was, even on that third steep. It’s a friendly yeti.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 – 2 teaspoons for a full mug // 40 minutes after boiling // 1 minute steep
Steep #2 // 30 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #3 // 10 min after boiling // 3-4 min
Flavors: Cream, Milk, Sweet Corn
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – September 2024 Tea #1 – A tea Miss Piggy would drink
I, for one, can really appreciate anything Muppets related. I am a FAN. A FAN, I say. So I LOVE these Muppets inspired prompts this month! AHHHHHH —Kermit wavey arms— I had a few in mind for Miss Piggy, but I went with this one. Classy enough for her, I think. Apparently I haven’t written a note for this Tealyra blend though, as it was a bit of a restock from similar blends from other shops. This herbal has a fruit flavor base with an additional champagne flavor. It’s always a unique one to have around. Not a sipdown!
I had already decided I would choose a French tea for Miss Piggy but I haven’t decided which one yet! I love your choice!
Thanks yet again, Cameron B! I like the concept of black tea mixed with puerh! Upon first sipping this, I really thought I had ruined it, since it had a flavor that was a bit like sheng. I actually had to look at the description again… nope — it is supposed to be half black tea and half shou. Specifically, the shou is 2020 Bulang material and the black tea is 2022 Fengqing. It really doesn’t taste like shou to me at all. Not sure if I have ever had Bulang before… It has a greenish flavor to it that I associate with sheng. The black tea also isn’t spectacular. I think I’ll pass this on to Michelle who has it on the wishlist…
From Cameron B! Thanks so much! This one is rich as a black tea, and decadently like a fancy chocolate truffle as chocolate flavor, so that is enough to be a win for me!! However, it is 100% chocolate flavor that I’m getting, and no other additional flavors at this point.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minutes
This one is from Daylon R Thomas quite a while ago. Thank you! I had to open the packaging, so I trust this note is a little accurate. It’s quite a unique scent to the dry leaf. Much different than most black teas. The light brew has flavors of cucumber, and I swear it’s not because of the abundance of cucumbers in the house right now… None of them are cut open cucumbers anyway, creating a waft of cucumber scent in the house, so I do believe it’s the tea. Second, I notice lychee and probably some other exotic fruits. Then turning to peach. It’s a unique one! I definitely wouldn’t lump this with Ruby 18 varietal (even though it is ACTUALLY stored in the same box as a Ruby and the leaves look fairly similar.) The second steep was STRONG. Possibly a bit too much, tasting more like a harsh, astringent, typical black tea… which leads me to realize I might be overdoing the steeps for these types of leaves on the second steep. I will try to be gentler in the future…
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minutes
Flavors: Cucumber, Lychee, Peach
From Michelle a while ago now! Thanks very much! I MAY have overleafed this one a bit, but that never hurt me when it’s regarding ripe puerh. It’s awesome flavored all around. A slow unraveler. Nothing negative about it. Rich and biscuity. A little bit of wine and mushrooms. Four fantastic steeps. I wish I had more to say about this excellent ripe. It must be aging amazingly!
From Cameron B! Thanks again! I can’t complain about the lack of strength to this black tea! It’s a kicker. It tastes like a mix of Ceylon and Assam. Might be TOO strong for afternoon… but I don’t think I have that problem. Then there is a nice sweetness to it, with a maple flavor. I definitely think this is more of a breakfast tea. I forgot there was green tea included here… I didn’t notice it.
Steep #1 // teabag for a mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 min
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – August 2024 Tea #5 – A wake-up tea
Finishing up this lovely tea for this prompt today. I really enjoy this coffee flavor. WAY more than I enjoy an actual cup of coffee. A great blend AND with enough depth to the base.
2024 sipdowns: 61
As soon as I read Cameron B’s note for this one a while ago, I knew I wanted to try it. So I was very happy Cameron made it available! I am a sucker for candy cane teas, and this one sounded extra… I want to say lovingly… constructed as a blend. It has so many extra elements to it: Cocoa nibs AND shells? mini marshmallows? Candy cane bits AND peppermint? And I’m happy to report the flavor is just as great. It’s almost like a candy cane ice cream, which is one of my favorite types of ice cream. It’s both white chocolate/ vanilla flavored and also chocolate. Peppermint that is more dessert like than herbal. It’s a great balance all around. I just wish the marshmallows would melt more. Very happy with this one!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5 minute steep
Yeah, that one was more unique for being an American grown tea. It wasn’t really strong for me, but I wanted someone else to be able to try it.
OH okay, got it. Thanks again!