The last to review from the samples from Octavia. THANKS SO MUCH! No steepster ratings yet for this one. A hint of scarlet to these big black leaves from Jun Chiyabari. The aroma of the dry leaves is rich, malty, sweet, roasted. The flavor is more for cold weather to my tastes, rather than this scorcher of a day. But it’s still very tasty. I feel I’ve had this sort of flavor profile before with only a couple teas (probably a tea or two from Teavivre?) , though it’s tough to describe it’s very distinct in my memory for this type of tea. The flavor becomes even more lip smackingly thicker in the second cup. It’s perfect brewed this way on the second steep. It’s malty, sweet, possibly like roasted squash, very roasted flavor anyway, and I’m not sure the leaf is roasted at all. Like caramel corn or something. It’s a very satisfying cup – thick and syrupy mouthfeel with lingering starchiness. I definitely recommend this if you’re looking for any roasty sweet black teas.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for full mug // 21 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 2 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep