This one is from Annie! Thanks so much for sharing it! I definitely wanted to try it. I love the idea of a raspberry lemon cheesecake. The bright raspberries look amazing in the blend and I made sure to get a lemon wedge in that cup. I really tried to steep the first steep short, so I could maximize the cheesecake flavor. However, there wasn’t any resulting cheesecake flavor at all (even though this was a 15gram original pouch and hardly old tea yet). The lemon is the strongest flavor here, with only hints of raspberry. The green tea is refreshing here, but then takes over in the second steep. Maybe I should have went with even shorter steeps. I’m also wondering what these flavors would have tasted like on a white tea base… with tons more cheesecake flavor.
It has been since early January since I’ve made any tea purchases, so two months (Lupicia). That means I’m holding to my word so far this year with less tea purchases. I feel bad for not supporting the tea shops though! But I will stay strong.
Steep #1 // 1 heaping teaspoon for a full mug // 32 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 30 minutes after boiling // 2-3 minute steep
Good for you for not purchasing! I’m trying to be strong, too – it’s so hard, especially being on Steepster!
Is the tasting note dashboard stuck again? No new notes for six hours that I’m seeing.
Wait, and this note had other comments before.
Maybe nobody wrote notes? I just wrote a note and it’s appearing, but it could just be for me.
Good for you for not purchasing! I’m trying to be strong, too – it’s so hard, especially being on Steepster!
Oh WAIT. I was remembering Anne replying, but that was to the Blueberrie-zzz today. So yeah, no comments on this tea today. Whoops.